Over the weekend my pawrents surprised us and took us to our favorite place to play with our UFO's and to fetch my beloved ball.
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I am happiest when I am fetching! |
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It felt good for me and Stanley to feel the wind in our ears as we tore through the yard with the speed of lightening. |
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Unfortunately, Stanley tires of fetching quickly and while I want to continue playing fetch by the official rules, he has his own agenda. |
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I have to keep reminding him of the official rules! |
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I am trying to get him to be better at fetching. |
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Sometimes he tries my patience! |
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But this time he fetched for his longest time. Maybe he is finally appreciating the fine art of fetching! |
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After we got done playing fetch we went for a walkie. First we stopped in to see our friends Shirley and Dan. They have a sweet golden lab named Katy. We never met her before but we really liked her. She has a big yard to play in! After that we went to visit Mickie. She has a new doggie named Mac. He was nice too and we were glad to meet 2 new furiends! Then we went home cuz me and Stanley really needed a nap!
Murphy & Stanley
Hi There Murphy and Stanley,
You both live in such a gorgeous place, look how beautiful those mountains and views are and all that lovely grass to run around on, it is so nice to see you both playing together, it must have been fun playing fetch, playing with your ball and your UFO it looks like you had a great time with the wind in your ears and the sun on your backs! Its great that you got to meet new friends too, its great to all play together! Poor Stanley needing a nap, too much excitement in one day! Bless!
Love and Licks from your furiend Frank xxxxxx
What fun you two have together! To get to play fetch and chase each other around and then go for a walk? With friends? What a day!
Doods we can see you had a lot of fun and we love the view. Nice one. Have a tremendous Thursday.
Best wishes Molly
We need a nap just reading about your adventures! Fetch, walk, friends, sounds like the perfect day! Lee and Phod
Not fair, Stanley! You remind me of one of the pack members here... He's too lazy to fetch so what he does is meet the dogs who come after the ball halfway and bully the ball carrier.
I think Stanley needs his very own UFO. Then y'all can have races. Now dat would be fun.
At first we thought your back yard was Roswell cos you said something about throwing those ufo's around, and the pictures made it look really pretty with the mountains all around. Maggie would love to play fetch with you guys, I would watch in my cheerleader outfit and I am not really sure what baby gussie would be doing, probably something not very nice.
stella rose
WELL we all know that RULES are MEANT to be BROKEN.
THAT was a fabulous game you had there doods... and THEN you got to meet TWO furends.. WHAT a DAY! No WONDER you needed naps. Hope you DREAMED of the Grrrrreat times.
Can you make a video of you going nutty. I would love to watch it
We have found that if Mom throws a Frisbee to one of us and the throws another Frisbee to the other of us, it usually works out best. Of course, having a large supply of Frisbees is handy (Mom usually brings out 6 at once) and Mom will call out who it's for. Of course there still is some poaching, and occasionally tug-of-war ensues (and bitey-face will often follow that) but we'll keep going until Abby wears out, or Mom decides it's time to quit. Of course, by that time, the yard is usually littered with Frisbees..
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
Mom's eye is just stuck on the "mountain" ... looks like it is so close to the field. Beautiful :-) Wish I live close and Golden LOVE to play Fetch with you guys. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Mom was just about to write exactly what Sugar's mom wrote. The scenery is gorgeous in your back yard. Mom has always wanted to see a mountain outside her windows.
You Doods are so much fun to watch.
Hugs Madi your BFFF
You look like you were having a total blast!!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta
hehe you guys look so purty with the mountains in the back!
You doods sure have fun chasing your frisbee toys.
Murphy, you'll just have to go to the park more often so Stanley will get used to playing fetch for longer and longer ;-)
Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie
Oh that is my favorite game fetch, yep, I'm obsessed too, drives Humom crazy MOL xxoxxx
Mollie and Alfie
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