Last night was dog church. As you know, we always go to church. We are what you call "regulars". When we first got there, I was greeting Goose's mom and telling her about my emergency trip to the dogtur when I got shot my toenail ripped out. She said she knew I was "scaredy brave". Stanley used the opportunity to slip out of his collar. He ran up to where the band was playing but dad made him come back and sit with us. Mom said she loved the light in the church. We have a beautiful sanctuary. What makes it beautiful isn't how it was made but the fact that ever'body is welcome whether you have 4 legs or no legs!
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Goose's mom preached a good sermon. She doesn't say too much about it but I think he writes most of her sermons. (Goose is smart like that.)
After church there were treats for peeps and for doggies. We especially like this time cuz me and Stanley get lots of pets and everyone is always saying how cute we are and how our furs are so soft. We like to use this time to make everyone feel welcome. We sure love our church!
Murphy & Stanley
Methodist Doods
Hi Murphy and Stanley,
I really hope that your poor is much better now Murphy, I feel your pain, if you remember my paw injury last month when I had to wear a sock when my nail was torn in two while on a walk!
I really wish that Dogs were allowed in our Chapel, Nan and Mum would love it if I could sit and howl along with the songs and listen to the prayers and Bible verses! Your night in Dog Church sounds really nice, I love the photos it looks beautiful and I would really like to hear Goose's Mom sermons. It is good that you got 7 Dogs in church, it must have been fun after when you all got treats and how nice to include you in all the blessings! It sounds fab! Love and Licks from your furiend Frank xxxxxxxx
I think it is so nice that you guys get to go to church too. I figured Goose wrote at least some of his mom's sermons because his blog posts are so good. He's a natural writer and deep thinker.
OK, yes I help my MOM write her sermons. We are a team really. Butt she gets stuck sometimes and I have to lend her a paw. MOM said you were running around like nothing happened to you. You are not Scared Brave you are just Brave Brave!!
Murphy we know you are one brave pup and you'd pull it together to go to church. Love it when you all meet up and we know Goose and mum are just the best. Heal soon pal.
Have a marvellous Monday.
Best wishes Molly
I has always thoughted dat was a beautiful church and ya'll is so lucky to be ables to go.
Sounds like you is doin' betters afters your accident.
We are so happy to hear that you were feeling up to going to Church. Can't let a boo-boo hold you back. You are sooooo lucky that you are able to hear Goose's Mom. We would love to hear her someday.
Lily Belle & Muffin
Hey Doods!
Wow, I bet Goose's Mom has the bestest church on the planet! She is a special peep fur sure and I don't doubt that Goose helps a ton. I'm glad your paw is feeling better now too. Love those bandanas! Looking handsome as always.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Pol Comm
One of these years, we'll join you (although with our Mom getting up at o'dark-thirty, it might have to wait until summer, when she takes the Monday off...), because that looks like So Much Fun!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
Glad to see your paw is healing well. Don't let Frankie Furter see those bandannas or he might freak out over you boys wearing snow freaks around your neck.
Oh we are so glad you are up and running and yur paw is getting betters. WE were pretty scared when we first read about you getting shot in the paw...all we could think was the creepy neighbors next door, which isn't very nice of us but we are just being honest here. Yesterday morning while mom was walking us in the hurricane force winds we were thinking of you guys sitting there in church and listening to goose's mom. If we lived closer we would be there also!
stella rose
Doods we all LOVE when you get to go to Puppy Prayer Services . Glad that you were up to it Murphy.
Muwphy and Stanley
I woold love to go to a chuwch like sounds wondewful and incloosive and the way it shoold be. I say my pwayews at home cause thewe's nothing like that hewe whewe I live. I know Goose mmust wite the bestest sewmans.
Smoochie kisses and blessings to you
Stanley and Murphy you are very very lucky to be members of such a beautiful church and Pastor Michelle is the best too. It is very nice that you are such social Doods too
Hugs Madi your bfff
PS we love the photos in the background
We just love that you get to go to church! We read Stella's comment and we have to admit we thought the same thing when you thought you were shot. But we are super glad that your toe is feeling OK.
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta
Hi there boys, I love that you get to go hear Pastor Michelle and be part of the worship.
So glad your foot is doing better. Since you boys are prayers too, could you all pray for peace for us-some interesting things going on here. I'll write your mom a note.
Have a fun day!
Wags, Noreen & Hunter
You go to Goose"s church, that is wonderful. I wish I could go to church with Lee, why I could help her with the Sunday school kids. I went bad and read about you nail, why that must have been painful, I hope your toe will be O.K. Maybe it would be better if it did not grow back.
Sweet William The Scot
I really like that idea of dog church
Sounds like a great time at church!!
It is so great that you guys have a church to go to and are such gentlemen there. Lee and Phod
We think it's great your church is so inviting to peeps and pups :) Now Murphy...are you sure you were concentrating on the sermon and not the insides of your eyelids?
Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, HOllie
That is so much fun! I love seeing the photo of Michelle doing what she does best! And, I love that you all go to church as a family, 4-leggers and 2-leggers together.
I think its wondeful too that you all go to church to pray and give happy thank yous.
If you would add my name to the prayer list- I would appreicate it,,
and thank you for already praying for me
I'm so sad that I don't get to go to church too. So, do you live in the same town as Goose? I haven't met him yet. I hope your little paw is feeling much better today, Murphy. And, yes, Stanley, my legs are tired!!!!
Of course, we keep our paws crossed for you, that you will regain your health and feel good quickly!
We live in a bedroom community of Goose's and Bert's city.
I am not allowed in the Church, not fair, they have some super stuff going on. Great you get to see Goose too :). Hope your paws on the mend :) xxoxxx
Mollie and Alfie
I miss Bert. I hope he is well. I haven't gone this long without visiting him.
Anyway, I think you guys are lucky to get to sit and enjoy the sermon like the humans do. You're more obedient than my two nieces in church.
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