We thought today was going to just be a regular day, and then the mailman came!
"Hey Brother, who do you think sent us this?" |
"I don't know Murphy but look what's in it!" |
"Get back! Don't let that snake bite you! It's LONG!" |
Stanley quickly grabbed the snake, right behind it's head and beady eyes. |
It looked like the snake was getting the better of Stanley - it was 39" (99 cm.) long! |
But Stanley is a force to be reckoned with and he soon had both ends of that snake! |
But the minute Stanley loosened his grip, it quickly slithered off the couch and attacked me! |
I was wrestling it like crazy - fighting for my life! |
Then I think I killed it cuz it rolled over. |
But it was still squeaking so I knew it was faking me out! |
Sure enough, it came back for an attack! |
But as soon as ol' Sneaky Snake realized I meant no harm he became my friend. |
Our snake turned out to be an
Invincible Snake made by the
Kyjen Company. They asked mom if she would be interested in reviewing one of their dog puzzles. She wasn't familiar with the Kyjen Company so she checked them out and was impressed with the stuff they had on their Internet site, so she said we would be happy to review it. They also sent us the Invincible Snake and as soon as it slithered out of the box me and Stanley were playing with it like crazy!
Mom said she liked the large squeakers because even if we (and by "we" she means Stanley) can get to them at least they are big and not a choking hazard. They also keep squeaking no matter what! |
This is very important. Even though I am respectful of most of my toys, Stanley (AKA Dr. Destruction) hasn't met a toy he can't damage. |
The other thing they sent us was this dog puzzle. Our pawrents were just wondering if they should get one when the next day mom was contacted to see if we would review one. When she told me I thought,
"Great timing!" Mom thought maybe the walls had ears. I don't know what that means cuz walls just do not have ears!
The ball is inside the puzzle and it has some kibble in it. In order to get the ball out, it has to slid down one of the "tunnels" There are doors (end caps) that can either be on or off to make the game more challenging. |
Moving the puzzle around helps move the ball around. The ball doesn't easily roll out of the tunnel. It takes some work. |
I helped keep the floor clean when kibble would roll out of the ball. Mom taught me to be neat like that. |
It works on carpet too. Once you get the ball out then you can roll it around to get out the remaining kibble. |
Me and Stanley LOVE our puzzle. It held out attention and we worked hard on it to get the ball out. |
Dad said he could just see our brains at work. Mom said it was entertaining to watch us solve the problem of getting the ball out. |
Me and Stanley used slightly different techniques. |
We never did tire of it. |
Dad had to hold onto Stanley so I could work on the puzzle. We shared for a long time and then Stanley decided he didn't want to share anymore and thought he was a lion and roared at me. |
Mom said we are going to buy another puzzle so me and Stanley can each work on one. |
Me and Stanley loved our
snake and
Cross Slider Dog puzzle from the
Kyjen Company. Although the snake is very well made, Dr. Destruction . . . err I mean Stanley, did do some damage to it. He found a point where the binding was joined together and gnawed at it until his razor sharp teeth damaged it. We feel it is only fair to report this but on the other hand we feel that it is still a very well made dog toy. (Stanley is much more destructive than I am.)
He tore at the binding but did not penetrate the body of the fabric (this is actually a very small area). |
We give both these toys paws up!
We were not paid for our approval and we are not associated with the
Kyjen Company in any way. Thank you Kyjen for providing us the opportunity to review your toys! We think the web site has a great variety of merchandise (at reasonable prices). We also like that it has a Clearance section!
Murphy & Stanley