Thursday, December 6, 2012

Package For Me

When Dad brought in the mail, it sounded like he said I had received something.  I was all excited to check this out. It was a present from Remington.  Dad says I can't open it until Christmas.  I can hardly wait that long.


Pee Ess -  The information that Santa's reindeer gave us was correct.  Full report (with photos) tomorrow .


Dougall-the-Scottie said...

How annoying, having to wait for YOUR present!

3 doxies said...

Hey, dis is Puddles. I hads to come by and tells ya'll how NOT smart I is. Sees, I was addressin' my Christmas cards and came to yours and BAM it finally hitted me dat you is Bert and Goose's Murphy and Stanley. Like duh. Okays, well it is nice to finally meets ya'll.
I can't wait to see what Remington sent you. He is a good shopper.


Unknown said...

Lovely of Remington. Have a terrific Thursday.
Best wishes Molly

Duncan said...

Packages, packages what a GREAT time of year!!! Do you doods bark at the mailman?? I find this to be a challenge in my quest to be "nice" enough for Santa to notice.

GOOSE said...

Oh I hear that Remington really knows how to shop. I am sure you will be very happy.

Remington said...

I am happy it arrived safely! Enjoy!

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi Stanley
Rem is a great shopper even on the dark side (cat) of the pet store.
He sent me a very nice pressie one year so I just know you will love whatever it is. You are all very well disciplined to wait til Christmas.
Mom and I are the worst at waiting but mainly 'cause if my gift contains cat nip I can smell it even through the closet doors. MOL and trust me my cat nip sardines were very fragrant.
Hugs Madi your BFFF

Murphy said...

Glad you found us!

Mollie said...

Oh I love'z suprizes :) Wez nabbed ya gorgeouz photo'z and youz in the cue to be Chriztmazed :) Oh what fun, Santa'z on hiz way xx00xx

Mollie and Alfie

A Day In The Life Of A Goose said...

Eeeeekkkkk...can't wait to hear all about it!!! Pft, that's not fair! Christmas should be opened immediately (if you ask me!), even if the box or package or envelope isn't for you! Hahaha!

Two French Bulldogs said...

How cool to get unexpected presents
Benny & Lily

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Murphy and Stanley, sorry we've been out of action. You can't open your pressie till Christmas?? Totally unfair. Let's hope your Dad puts it under the Christmas tree and it might magically get torn open hehehe. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Unknown said...

What a big present!! I wanna know whats inside!!!

Milo :)

Millie and Walter said...

Poor Stanley. I can't believe you can't open your pressie yet! The suspense would kill me.


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

We just saw your comment to US about WILDBLUE... Did you have somethingy to do with the ... SHOCKING CALL we got last night... saying that the SUDDENLY had an OPENING fur a SERVICE CALL... fur TOMORROW???? YEP.. not the 22nd... butt the 7th. MOM was STUNNED when they called and said THAT... since they had said there was NO Tech/Repair guy available until Dec. 22nd.. WhatEVER you did... THANK YOU.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Now about your Pressie Package... Just wait until THEY go to Sleep.. and open it.. Quietly. WE do that all the time. The Reaction from M & D is almost better than the stuffs inside. We're just sayin guys.

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hi guys,

Just saw your comment in on post for today. We'll be sure ti cime back tomorrow. We're with F & E. Sneak the package out while their sleepuing.

Sniff ya later......Weenie

haopee said...

Tell dad it's perishable goods! LOL so you get to open it and enjoy your presents early on.

Huggies and Cheese,


Anonymous said...

Have fun tearing it open!

Kathy said...

The nose knows there are goodies in that package! lol