Murphy & Stanley
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
A New System
Mom started using a new system on me and Stanley. We got so many toys, and they are all our favorites, that the 2 baskets in the living room were over flowing. So now she takes the majority of them and just puts them on the rug in the Big Room downstairs. Every time I go outside (and that's a lot!) I stop by the pile and bring up a toy. When almost all the toys are upstairs again, she takes them back down. Mom says it forces us to play with all the toys not just the ones on top. We'll see how long she lasts!
Right now we are having very cold weather. Our high for today is only 13 degrees (-10 C) and we have high winds too (gusting to 65 mph). Our pawrents could not even do their long run yesterday. They quit after 7 miles. In the meantime me and Stanley are still playing in the snow. We got more last night.
Murphy & Stanley
Monday, December 29, 2014
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Reminders! We just wanted to remind everyone of a few upcoming events!
January 9th - Inauguration of new Mayorz (hosted by Madi)
January 9th (evening) - Dory is hosting a PJ pawty
January 10th - Sarge hosts a Farewell & Box Bash for Mayoress Diva Madi
January 12th - Everyone holding a pawsition in the new administration is asked to put up a post explaining how their pawsition works. It will be a blog hop.
and finally . . .
January 24th - Time to write that "Letter to my Pet Pal"! It will be a blog hop too.
Oops, almost forgot . . .
January 30th - FFHT
You might want to check out a tip that Frankie and Ernie offered us that our mom found to be VERY helpful: Go to the Dollar Store and buy a planner for $1.00 to keep track of everything happening in Blogville. That way you will be prepared for the events and not trying to do last minute stuff. Our mom said she would not be sane if she did not use that valuable tip!
Murphy & Stanley
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Post Christmas
Whew! These past few days have gone by in a whirlwind! We sure hope everyone had a nice Christmas Day and that our furends who have Boxing Day enjoyed that too! We're not really sure what Boxing Day is but we assume that Boxers must really like it.
BOL! We creamed the competition! And we were even shocked when 1 card arrived the day after Christmas and it was delivered POSTAGE DUE! The mailman didn't even ask us to pay postage, he just delivered it. But we thought that was so funny. It's like the mail carrier admitted defeat too! Here's a picture you can look at. It isn't a good one but we got nothing but trouble at our house so it's as good as it gets.
We hope everyone had a great time at Dory's pawty. We sure did! And we understand a new love may be in bloom, right Bilsha?? Me and Stanley tried doing that with our girlfurend's names but the result was NOT good.
Anyway, we are glad Bilsha hit it off so well. And didn't Oreo and Hazel make a darling couple? Too bad Bailey kept spying on them! Here's another picture for you to look at. It isn't very good either.
Me and Stanley have just been playing in our snow and then coming inside to play with our toys and then repeat (mom says 100 times a day but she is known to exaggerate). Here's another bad picture you can look at. Like I said, there's bad stuffs going down at our house.
OK, here's the scoop on the chaos at our house. Our pawrents are STILL working on those new computers! (The HBO words were flying the other day when they each had to download a giant virus protection program 4 different times!) These matters are made worse by the fact the computers are fighting each other for the Internet and it is slowing stuff down. Oh, and mom says neither of them know Windows 8.1. I'm not sure why a window makes them yell HBO words but apparently it does. Here's another bad picture.
See I told you it was a bad picture. Seriously mom, me peeing again? The reason for that is mom said she HAD to get away from the Window 8.1 so we went outside to play with the rope and she was going to take pictures with her Nikon. She was wanting to use that special setting for snow. Anyway, she only got to fire off a few test pictures and then the battery died. So then me and Stanley kinda got into a fight-to-the-death argument over the rope so mom said she had it and was going back to the Window. See, things are just crazy! Anyway, she did NOT go to the window, she went to the computer where she said it takes a million years to accomplish the simplest task. Here's another picture for you.
Yeah, it really is yellow snow. Anyway, mom and dad are still fighting with Windows 8.1 BUTT the most impawtent thing is that they have touch-paw screens and cameras so we can SKYPE with our girls . . . eventually.
Murphy & Stanley
Just to let you all know, our final card count was . . .
Doods 51 + 16 = 67 and Pawrents: 12
BOL! We creamed the competition! And we were even shocked when 1 card arrived the day after Christmas and it was delivered POSTAGE DUE! The mailman didn't even ask us to pay postage, he just delivered it. But we thought that was so funny. It's like the mail carrier admitted defeat too! Here's a picture you can look at. It isn't a good one but we got nothing but trouble at our house so it's as good as it gets.
We hope everyone had a great time at Dory's pawty. We sure did! And we understand a new love may be in bloom, right Bilsha?? Me and Stanley tried doing that with our girlfurend's names but the result was NOT good.
Stanley + Taffy = Staffy (that sounds like a bad infection or temporary labor pool)
Ruby + Murphy = Ruphy (isn't that a date-rape drug?)
Anyway, we are glad Bilsha hit it off so well. And didn't Oreo and Hazel make a darling couple? Too bad Bailey kept spying on them! Here's another picture for you to look at. It isn't very good either.
Me and Stanley have just been playing in our snow and then coming inside to play with our toys and then repeat (mom says 100 times a day but she is known to exaggerate). Here's another bad picture you can look at. Like I said, there's bad stuffs going down at our house.
OK, here's the scoop on the chaos at our house. Our pawrents are STILL working on those new computers! (The HBO words were flying the other day when they each had to download a giant virus protection program 4 different times!) These matters are made worse by the fact the computers are fighting each other for the Internet and it is slowing stuff down. Oh, and mom says neither of them know Windows 8.1. I'm not sure why a window makes them yell HBO words but apparently it does. Here's another bad picture.
See I told you it was a bad picture. Seriously mom, me peeing again? The reason for that is mom said she HAD to get away from the Window 8.1 so we went outside to play with the rope and she was going to take pictures with her Nikon. She was wanting to use that special setting for snow. Anyway, she only got to fire off a few test pictures and then the battery died. So then me and Stanley kinda got into a fight-to-the-death argument over the rope so mom said she had it and was going back to the Window. See, things are just crazy! Anyway, she did NOT go to the window, she went to the computer where she said it takes a million years to accomplish the simplest task. Here's another picture for you.
Yeah, it really is yellow snow. Anyway, mom and dad are still fighting with Windows 8.1 BUTT the most impawtent thing is that they have touch-paw screens and cameras so we can SKYPE with our girls . . . eventually.
Murphy & Stanley
Friday, December 26, 2014
From Christmas Day to a Pawty!
Me and Stanley had a wonderful Christmas! I REALLY did hear Santa Paws at about 2:00 in the morning! I think he was at a neighbor's house cuz I woke up and told dad I needed him to open up the doggie door. So I ran out, into the yard and I heard it! I gave a quick bark then thought to myself that it would probably be better if I went back to bed so I ran back into the house. I yelled at Stanley to stay in bed cuz Santa Paws was in the neighborhood. Then when we got up we had lots and lots of new toys!!
But maybe the bestest surprise was when we ran into the yard! Me and Stanley KNOW what to do in the snow - PLAY!
Sheesh mom, can't I get any privacy? Actually mom says she's happy me and Stanley will pee in the snow.
We love it when dad throws snow at us.
OK, throw some more dad!
So we got covered in snowballs and then had to do a quick change to go to Dory's pawty! We're headed out to get our girls now!
Come over to Dory's and wish her a HAPPY 11th BIRFDAY by clicking HERE!
Murphy & Stanley
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas!
We hope everyone is having a lovely Christmas Day! At our house it's usually kind of quiet cuz mom and dad see the grand kids on Christmas Eve. BUTT me and Stanley already know that mom and dad bought touch paw computers for Christmas so we will will be hearing lots of HBO words setting those up.
Since we fixed this post ahead of time in case our pawrents destroy all the computers we can share our pressies with you that we got the other day.
On our gift exchange, Stuart sent me this pressie! Mom says we will put the clings on the window so we can be safe!
The bad thing is that Stanley liked MY new toy too!
Then we got another package from Walter. He had Stanley's name but he and Millie even sent me a pressie! They carefully wrapped them.
Stanley about fainted when he saw the size of that antler. It is HUGE! And mom went totally crazy over that bandanna that Millie's mom made. Her mom is teaching her how to use the machine. They clearly have SKILLS!
Mom says dark blue looks the best on me and Stanley.
Then I opened my pressie.
I was thrilled to see that they made me a bandanna too! Mom says I look very handsome. We are SURE we will wear our mayoral bandannas a lot!
Then Stanley got a package from his steady girlfurend Taffy. She is very thoughtful and generous.
Taffy really knows how to shop. And she was so nice to include stuffs for me and some chocolates for our pawrents that didn't last but a minute.
We got a lot of making up to do for Valentine's Day!
Thank you everyone!
Murphy & Stanley
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
FFHT - A Dream or NOT?
Note: All the information on Fractured Fryday Hairy Tales (FFHT) can be found on the FFHT tab on the top of our blog.
This month's inclusions are: "But I think you should know . . ." or a more seasonal inclusion "And then the chubby elf says . . ." Choose one (or else accept the challenge to fit them both in your story!). But mostly, just have fun with it!
This is a true story or else a dream I had, I am not sure which. On our very first Christmas, the one
where me and Stanley had our pictures taken with Santa, me and Stanley decided we were gonna wait up to see Santa Paws come to our house. We tried to stay awake but at 10:00 p.m. mom said it was time for us to go to bed. So I told Stanley we would wait until our pawrents fell asleep and then get back up.
So we went to bed and our pawrents turned the TV on to the Tonight Show, back then it was with Jay Leno. Mom set the timer on the TV for 60 minutes (she always does) and then 5 minutes later she and dad were sound asleep (they always are). So I signaled to Stanley and we carefully sneaked off the bed and tippy toed into the living room.
We heard a noise right away and Stanley was going to bark but I held my paw up to signal him not to bark. He remembered the time his barking tipped mom and dad off that someone was trying to sneak in the kitchen window so ever since that happened and everybody called him a hero he likes to alert everyone if he hears a noise.
Anyway, as we made our way down the hall and into the living room we could see some movement. As we got closer we could see that there was an elf. It was NOT Santa Paws, it was a chubby elf! So Stanley ran over to him and asked what he was doing and why wasn't Santa Paws with him. Then the chubby elf says that Santa Paws was actually coming down our chimney! So we quickly spun around and saw that he was right! Santa Paws was nearly in our living room! And then the chubby elf says, "But I think you should know if Santa Paws sees you in the living room he will disappear into thin air, totally vanish before he can even put your presents under the tree! Upon hearing that, I looked at Stanley and he looked at me and we took off lightening fast down the hall and jumped back into bed. We closed our eyes tight and fell asleep until morning.
In the morning I asked Stanley if what happened was real or a dream. He said he didn't think it was real but thought it was weird that he had the same dream.
where me and Stanley had our pictures taken with Santa, me and Stanley decided we were gonna wait up to see Santa Paws come to our house. We tried to stay awake but at 10:00 p.m. mom said it was time for us to go to bed. So I told Stanley we would wait until our pawrents fell asleep and then get back up.
So we went to bed and our pawrents turned the TV on to the Tonight Show, back then it was with Jay Leno. Mom set the timer on the TV for 60 minutes (she always does) and then 5 minutes later she and dad were sound asleep (they always are). So I signaled to Stanley and we carefully sneaked off the bed and tippy toed into the living room.
We heard a noise right away and Stanley was going to bark but I held my paw up to signal him not to bark. He remembered the time his barking tipped mom and dad off that someone was trying to sneak in the kitchen window so ever since that happened and everybody called him a hero he likes to alert everyone if he hears a noise.

In the morning I asked Stanley if what happened was real or a dream. He said he didn't think it was real but thought it was weird that he had the same dream.
The End
get the InLinkz code
Christmas Eve Eve
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve! Me and Stanley are pretty excited to have Santa Paws come! Here we posed in front of the big Christmas tree at our church. Stanley drank some egg nog and his tie went crazy.
We're having troubles at our house . . .
We told dad that's a lot of cards and he better use something stronger! Mom said a HBO word. Me and Stanley are laughing like crazy!
Don't forget tomorrow is also FFHT (see tab on blog for details).
Murphy & Stanley
Monday, December 22, 2014
Paws In Pews
Last night was Paws In Pews night at our church. Every 3rd Sunday me and Stanley get to go to church! There were other doggies there too. There was Bert, and Bert's uncle (his name starts with a W but I forget it, Tucker and his twin, Bert's fiance Sophie (she is a beautiful doodle), and another couple doggies who left before we could meet them. Also there was a giant doggie in the pew in front of us.
This is Tucker but his twin wasn't in the photo.
Then there was the giant new guy!
We try to be very welcoming to new doggies. Butt sometimes we get tempted . . .
Murphy & Stanley
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Appointment & Card Count
We want to announce another appointment to our administration. We are happy to report that Mona & Prissy will be our Video Library Directors For Special Collections. We think they will do a wonderful job! And speaking of Mona, she is on our Blogville POTP blog so we hope she is feeling better!
And speaking of the Blogville POTP blog, have you been over there? You surely will want to follow it so you will know right away if anyone needs us to surround them with loving thoughts, prayers, encouragement!
Two things to remember: Get your photos over to Dory for her pawty (dead lion is Monday at 11:59pm) and remember that FFHT will be on the 24th!
US: 44 + 16 = 60 Pawrents: 12
Murphy & Stanley
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Bell Ringers
Yesterday me and Stanley volunteered to be bell ringers to help those more unfortunate than us.
![]() |
NOTE: Stanley eventually did get pets from the girls but he often gets too excited (wild with joy) and jumps on people. |
Murphy & Stanley
Pee Ess - Have you checked out the new Blogville POTP page? If not, you better get over there and follow it. It's the only blog where we really DON'T want anything to post!
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