Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Postman Cometh!

OMD!  You will NOT believe what happened yesterday!  Mom and Dad did their long run so they were just relaxing and me and Stanley were too.  Then the doorbell rang.  Me and Stanley went berserk and started barking our fool heads off thought we should go to the window to see if it was friend or foe.  So we rushed into the office to bark out the window, then ran back to the door because we saw . . . THE MAILMAN!  Yes, that is right, the mailman came to our house!  And he brought a package for me and Stanley.  Not mom and dad but me and Stanley!  And guess what, it was a big package too!

So dad brought the package in the house and mom said, "Oh, that must be the package from Mason!"  You see we won a contest on his blog and his mom said the package should arrive on Monday.  Then mom saw the condition of the package and she got scared.  She was scared because Mason's mom said it was fragile.
This was the sticker on it, proof that it was delivered in bad shape.
It looked like it had been run over then dragged behind the mail truck!
It was in very bad shape.
So mom was VERY nervous but she gave it to me and Stanley because after all, it was OUR package, not hers and she didn't want to commit a Federal offense by interfering with the delivery of mail to the proper recipients.
So we started to open it.  "Carefully!" mom warned us.
We got it open and Stanley stuck his head in to get a better look.  "What's in it brother?"
"OMD!" Stanley barked, "there's cool pressies in here!!
 So we started taking out all the pressies, one by one, and checking them out.
We got a Cycle Dog Flat Tire Flyer . . .
We also got Himalayan Dog Chew Treats
And we got 2 Smart Tags in case we ever get lost (and we hope we never do).
And a ball that floats.  Perfect since we love the water and I love balls!!
We also got Howloween rawhide chewies (regular and granulated - once I saw the granulated one, the biggest one, I was in love!) and some Sam's Yams
With everything we pulled out of the box our paws were shaking because we knew there was a fragile item in the box somewhere and by the way the box looked we were just scared!  Then we pulled the last thing out, the custom made, fragile item Mason's mom had made special just for us.  We were so afraid that it might be broken.  With that messed up box it was practically guaranteed!  We only hoped we could glue whatever might be damaged cuz we knew Mason's mom was worried about it and would feel bad.  So very carefully . . . we pulled it out . . . unwrapped it . . .
It survived!!!
Mason and his mom got us ceramic wall hangies with our names on them!!  They are so cool!
 We got so many nice pressies, and a nice card, but to be honest, I was sort of distracted . . . 
I gobbled down this big ol' Howloween granulated chew.  Yup, the whole thing!
I let Stanley have the smaller one.
And of course mom is deciding where to hang up our ceramic name hangies.  She has it narrowed down to 3 places.

Thank you so much Mason and Mason's mom Tiffany from the Big Stinky Dog Blog!  We love our pressies!!

Murphy & Stanley


Finn said...

OMD, what a great package and so nice to get it in one piece (sort of!) I love your signs!!

GOOSE said...

Oh my goodness what an incredible box of stuff. WOW! And it all survived being dragged by a mail truck and run over. You two are blessed pups. Your name thingys are way cool.

Millie and Walter said...

So glad the name thingies didn't get damaged. You boys really scored on the goodies.


Unknown said...

My mommy has a confession...she MADE them signs all by herself! She is just APPALLED at the shape of the box. It even had FRAGILE STAMPED ON 4 TIMES!! She read dis and sayz "Oh geeze lets just stamp 4 fragile stamps on it and throw it around, must not be breakable items inside!!"

Mommy says when the chews get to small you nook dem in the micro machine for 37-40 seconds, let cool and then TAHDah!! you have a puffy treat!!


Bassetmomma said...

Wow! Murphy and Stanley, you guys are two lucky dudes for sure! That is an awesome package you got from Mason and his Momma! I just love your name plates.

Thanks so much for all your kind comments and prayers for Freddie. :)

Unknown said...

How kind of Mason and that was such a nice swag bag. What do the mailmen do over there, play football with the packages? Trust me they are no better here. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly

Unknown said...

Oh Wow! What great presents! And to think everything survived undamaged!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

KURRRRRPLUNK !! OUCH.. I just FAINTED and landed right on my butt. I can NOT believe my EYES... THAT is a MAJOR AWARD PRIZE PRESSIE PACKAGE!!! Soooooo many grrrreat thingys. CONGRATULATIONS to you both!!

NanaNor's said...

Wow you two-what wonderful treats you got from Mason and his mom. I tell you that bloggers, dogs and humans, are the most giving and generous folks out there. How incredible thoughtful. Enjoy!
Woogs, Noreen & Hunter

Scooter said...

Hey Murphy & Stanley!
Wow, what great pressies! I love stuff from the post office. Makes Dad giggle when the peeps there tell him it's for his dog. BWAR HAR HAR. Love those name hangers! Very very cute.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

A Day In The Life Of A Goose said...

Hehehe, that box was totally destroyed, but how pawesome that your beautiful name wall hangers survived! Yeah!!! They're beautiful! Good job on devouring your nummy in a nano second Murphy! :-D Enjoy your box of goodness!

KSO said...

WOW what exciting stuff from Mason's Mom! Who knew mail time could be so exciting?!

Murphy said...

Mason, your mom did a great job! Yes, it's almost like marking the package as fragile brought on the rough handling! Thanks again!!

Berts Blog said...

wow you two, that is a wonderful package full of wonderful surprises.
That Mason and his mom are really cool

Asta said...

Muwphy and Stanley
That is the coolest pwesent! Congwatoolashuns fow winning it what a gweat fwiends Mason and his Mom awe!
I was wowwied at fiwst when I saw that box..it did look vewy beat up, but thank dog youw speshul gifts suwvived and they awe bootiful

those yummew chews look gweat!
and btw, I have one of those balls and it's my favowite toy I take it to Mommi evewy day and ask hew to kick it and play soccew wif me in the apawtment
smoochie kisses

Sankissjuice said...

Awww...your pressies are sooo cool. I am jealous. I want pressies too! Oh yes, I think I have got something in the mail. My vitamins that I ordered online, hahahaha.


Two French Bulldogs said...

Halloween gifts! You lucky dawgs!
Benny & Lily

Scooter said...

Aww....that was one super snazzi package. Have fun with those toys!!

Jazzi and Addi

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Murphy and Stanley, wowza what a great prize. Congratulations mates. Fun things to play with, chewy stuffs and those beautiful name plates. Enjoy yourselves. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Anonymous said...

Great pressies!

Duncan said...

Lucky Doods!! So glad the fragile hangies weren't broken!!

bichonpawz said...

OMD! What great pressies you got!! We love the name signs!! We are also friends with Bert and Goose so we thought we would stop by and say hello! You two are CUTE!! Looks like you have had quite a few adventures lately...it must be pretty cool to live near Bert and Goose. We have a question for you two...since you are "minis"...how big does that mean you will get to be when you are full grown? Our mama was just wondering! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Murphy said...

At 8 months we are almost fully (physically) grown. I am just under 18 pounds and Stanley is 29. Our peeps say I probably won't hit 20 pounds and Stanley SHOULD finish around 30.