Last night was our first night at home with Mom and Dad. We were so excited to go to sleep in our own beds. But then just before Mom turned out the lights, she put us in jail! I did not like it one bit.
And neither did Stanley.

So we might have cried a little bit. Well, maybe I cried a little bit and Stanley cried a lot. Sometimes I forgot which one of us was crying. Mom said we had to have our jail cells in the kitchen until we stopped crying, then we could move them in the bedroom with her and dad. Well . . . last night was not that night and mom thinks tonight probably won't be either. She's probably right.
At 1:00 a.m., mom and dad came to our jail cells and got us out. They were very surprised that neither of us went potty in our jail cells! So they took us outside in the dark to go potty. We've never seen the night before. It was really pretty because we could see all the lights of the city. So me and Stanley took care of business right away. Then, when we thought we were finally free, they put us back in jail again! So we might have cried some more.
At 4:00, they came back and did the same thing as before. Again, they were very happy that we didn't go potty in our prisons. Stanley and I talked about it and planned to cry some more when they put us back in our solitary confinement but to our surprise, they took us with them to lay down on the downstairs bed. They sure looked tired. We didn't cry this time and we all slept until 6:00 a.m. because by this time Stanley and I thought it was time to play. So mom and dad took us out in the dark again and Stanley and I went potty and then wrestled for a bit. We like to wrestle.
After that we all had breakfast. Mom said she was still tired so she sat down in the recliner with me and we took a nap.
After our nap, we all went outside again and this time Stanley and I played really hard. The sun was up and it was warm so we ran and chased, we wrestled, we chased a rubber ball, and we chased mom and dad as they ran around the yard. It was so much fun!
Every now and again Stanley had to stop playing and chew on the dogwood tree for awhile. Mom googled it and it didn't come up on the toxic plant list so she said it was okay.
Sometimes I had to stop and chew for a bit too. We really like chewing on this dogwood and think that is why it was named dogwood.
Finally we had no more energy left and we crawled under the chair to take a nap.
Mom and Dad said it is a wonderful day. Me and Stanley think they're right.
For the record: I have only gone potty outside. Stanley is another story.