Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Fun At The Park - Dood Style

"You're gonna catch me, right?"
"Whee - I made it!"
"Anybody see that?"
"Wasn't so scary . . . "
"Hey - look at me - I'm a swinger!"
"Do I know how to have fun or what?"
"Mom, I'm pretty nervous about this."
"Snap the damn picture before I fall outta this thing!"


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

My Most Favorite Thing

After mom and dad got home from church last Sunday, the weather was perfect.  So mom said we should go to a nearby school and play some fetch.  Did I ever mention I LOVE fetch?


Monday, October 29, 2012

Fresh Sticks!

Me and Stanley got in trouble for breaking the new tree dad planted a few months ago.  But we can't help it!  These leaves are all falling off and then what did we find? STICKS!!  The leaves were hiding all these sticks that were right under our noses! Then . . . . I discovered the best thing ever - fresh sticks!

I got big enough that I can reach the branches to get fresh sticks!
Nom nom . . .  these sure are good - extra tasty!
Maybe I can jump a bit and climb up in the tree for the freshest sticks on the top!
Just gotta get a bit of momentum going before I leap . . . 

MOM:  "Murphy!  Leave that tree alone!"

What mom??  I wasn't doin' nothing . . . 


Sunday, October 28, 2012

Longest Walk Ever!

Saturday we went on our longest walkie EVER!  We went 5.45 miles!
There were lots of leaves.  It's fun to walk on leaves.
Sometimes we lost the trail because of all the leaves so we had to sniff it out.
"This way everybody!"
It was a pretty trail  that runs along the river.
Mom and Dad stopped along the way so we could check out all the smells.
Stanley stood on top of this rock to get a better view of where we were.
The sun was out so it made for a perfect day for a walk.
Stanley jumped on this table so he could see how far we had to go.
Stanley told me to get on the table with him but it was too high for me.
Besides, I was pretty busy checking all this pee mail!
He said he could see the snow covered mountains from his view.
I told him I had snow right where I was.
Then we headed back down the trail.
Mom likes us to pose on rocks.  
We did get to drink from the river but we could not go swimming - Rats!  We haven't been swimming in weeks!!
Out of the river and back on the trail . . . 
Wait up - mom fell behind!
Oh, did you have to pee?

It was a very fun walkie but we sure were tired when we got home!
