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Today is the day you've been waiting for! The Highland Games are being presented as a celebration of
Kyla! All over Blogville events are taking place! It's time to get your plaid out!
We're all Scottish today as we celebrate the life of
Kyla. with the Highland Games! Welcome to the
Aroooo Ball competition! The rules are simple. Each contestant MUST show demonstration of complete ball mastery! Dropping the ball will be grounds for immediate disqualification. Before we begin, let's enjoy the beautiful sounds of the bag pipers!
Aw, that was wonderful wasn't it? The judges are in place so let's check out our first athlete! Here we have
Easy Rider and he is TOTALLY dominating that HUGE ball! We'll have to check with the judges but last we heard he had to get a special category designation to use this ball because it is filled with steel! Yes, it weighs about the same as a tractor (or at least an elephant skate)! He scores high and has set the bar! Well done Easy!
Wait a minute, Kyla has just entered the field. She may be fighting evil sickies but she's gonna show everyone she's still got what it takes. Can she do it?
OMD, she does! She exhibited total mastery of that ball. And now we are hearing from the judges that it wasn't an ordinary ball, it was filled with lead! YAY Kyla!
Our next competitor puts the Scot in Scottish! It's the one and only
Ranger! He has a death grip on that ball. It isn't going anywhere he doesn't want it to go! And does he ever look smart in his ever-so-Scottish cap! And what's on his cap. Wait, it's the Batman logo! Wow, he pulled out all the stops to impress the judges! And they are impressed indeed!
Our next challenger is a bit of a celebrity here in Blogville. It's our very own Diva Mayoress
Madi! Looks like she's being a bit flirty with the judges. And wait . . . did that judge just wink back at her? It appears it is working cuz she just got a high score. Well done Madi!
Coming up next we have . . . WAIT! No peeing on the field! OK, get back to your position! Sorry for that delay folks. Our next competitor is
Ernie! Ernie comes to us from the hill where he recently deaded a chipmunk all by himself! Now let's see if his deading skills extend to his mastery of the ball . . . and it does! Well done Ernest! *
whispers heard over mic* "are those tighty whities he's wearing under his kilt?"

A tough act to follow but if anyone can do it it's the older brother of our last contestant, now entering the field is
Frankie Furter!. Stop . . . wait . . . what??? He is making a special request from the judges that they not deduct any points from him because his brother peed on the field. The judges have given their word that he will be judged on his skills alone. Now let's see what he can do! Can he do it? YES he can! Frankie has hypnotized those balls into complying with his demands. What expertise, he's telepathic! *
whispers overheard on mic* "yeah, they both are wearing underwear cuz they didn't want anyone looking at their butts!"
Our next athlete is
Fenris. Now let's see what he's got. We've seen a lot of strong competitors so far so he's really got to do well in order to get a good score. The question on everybody's mind is if this Great Pyrenees mix is REALLY great? He's got the ball . . . it is in his total control . . . wait, he's doing a moonwalk just like Michael Jackson! Whoa, he is an athlete, artist and pawformer! Are the judges impressed? YES THEY ARE!
We're bringing out our next contestant. Dog oh dog is this competition rough! I'm afraid the judges are gonna need to see something really different to give out another high score. Here we have the zombie chasing
Whitley and if anyone can grab this competition it's her. Can she do it? WOW! She is combining ball with aquatics. That has NEVER been done before! Well done Whitley! The judges are impressed with her skills and have even started chanting "zombies, zombies"! Well done!
OK, just a brief intermission while another group of bagpipers comes by . . .
Our next contestant is the beautiful
Jade. Jade demonstrates her mind control over the ball before she takes physical possession of it. Wow, this is our first contestant who has demonstrated mastery of the ball before even touching it. She's making the ball roll and bounce using only her telepathic powers! The judges are recognizing the rarity of this talent with a high score! Thank you Jade!
Our next contestant is
Blogville Pawlice Officer Bites! He has a huge neon ball that is so big we wonder if he can even handle it? We hear talking on the field . . . let's listen . . . "
roll slowly toward the sound of my voice . . . do not turn around . . . you have the right to remain silent . . . " Wow, he is doing a felony stop on the ball and advising the ball of its rights. And now with a single move he has dropped it to the field and got it stuffed and cuffed! Book 'em Bites!
Here comes the lovely
Susie. She is showing that an athlete doesn't have to be all muscles to compete well in this event. She sashays over to the ball and with moves that can only be described as elegance and grace, she shows the judges that she can make that ball dance!
Arty is our next contestant and he's all about speed. The press is here reporting on this event and even their fancy cameras have been unable to get clear focus on such a fast moving dog! We think he might be breaking the present land speed record! The judges are noting his speed ball play and have started calling him Arty Bolt in honor of the fastest hooman runner!
Jakey's up next. We were afraid he might not be able to get away from his sister Dory's Blogville mayoral campaign in time to compete in this event. For a dog with a lot of responsibility on his shoulders he sure is acting calm and collected. He is one smooth doggie!! He is controlling this ball like there isn't a care in the world. We haven't witnessed this kind of cool confidence in ages!
Sarge is looking like a real pawfessional with his giant kettle ball. Rumor has it that it is filled with a special moon rock from NASA that is heavier than lead! Butt he grabs that handle and tosses it around like it was filled with helium! The command he has over his ball is truly amazing!! His muscles are rippling and one of the female judges fainted! And to make it even more challenging, he has an obstacle course! His demonstration of skill has earned him respect and a very high score from the judges!
Not to be outdone, our next contestants
Beachnut & Shelldon play volleyball with their balls. These balls are nearly as big as the crabs themselves! The Hands didn't cut them any slack when those balls were designated as the official Aroooo balls and placed in the crabitat. Once again we are amazed by the display of talent!

Wallace and Samuel are the next challengers on the field. It seems to be a theme with many of our challengers to pawticipate with extra large balls. It's due to this recent trend in the sport that the implementation of blood tests for steroids has been established. We are happy to say that all of our contestants today passed the test for steroid use and what we see today is a result of keen training, experience, and total dedication. Wallace and Samuel both exemplify this amount of skill that can be reached through solid training. They have demonstrated their skills with controlling the ball and exercised total domination. The judges are amazed at the display of such talent! Nice work fellas!

Princess Leah demonstrates she knows how to bring it! Once again, one of our female contestants shows the audience, and judges, that Arooo ball can be mastered with beauty and intelligence. She toys with the emotions of the judges as she glances quickly to see if they are noting her skill with the ball. The judges, who typically show little emotion, are calling her over. What could this mean?? Oh my dog, this has NEVER happened! They are scratching her behind the ears! Folks, we are seeing history made right here before our eyes! This has NEVER happened in the Hiland Games before - EVER! Will her score reflect this sentimental group of judges? YES IT DOES!

Casey is entering the field with his ball! This is the first ball we've seen with rope going through it. The referees look quickly to the judges to see if this qualifies as an official game ball and the judges all nod in agreement. Casey's next move will surely be the headline in the sports section of newspapers worldwide. He does a paw-stand on his front paws! And does NOT drop the ball! OMD, we have NEVER seen this kind of talent and the audience erupts in applause! The judges award him accordingly!

Millie is our first female to enter the giant ball category. The judges look at each other as if asking themselves if she can handle it? She struts across the field and maintains pawfect control of her ball, all the while demonstrating poise and confidence. One cannot help but notice the expressions on the female judges faces as if to say "
Girl Power!" Then to everyone's surprise and amazement, Millie picks up the ball in her paw and spins it! She finishes by flashing the judges her contented smile. Well done Millie! Another high score!

Walter is not to be outdone by his sister as he enters the field with his giant ball. We noticed his flirtatious smile to the lady judges seemed to be well appreciated and quickly reciprocated. It appears that Walter has some smooth moves as he dribbles his ball across the field. That was a risky move but will probably be rewarded highly by the judges. Like his sister, he also spins the ball in his paws but then goes on to bounce it off his head and catch it with his paw. The audience erupts in applause at this unexpected display of showmanship. We can tell Walter is going to go far in this sport! The judges respond with a nearly pawfect score!

Riley is our next athlete and perhaps the youngest we've seen yet. He is combining the big ball category with the rope ball category. That might make it a bit tougher since he has stiff competition in both. Butt it doesn't take long before it is very apparent that he is a natural with the ball. He skillfully commands control over it like a seasoned pawfessional! He is some sort of pup-genius at Arooo Ball! He definitely has a bright future at the Highland Games and the judges start out his resume with a very high score! Good job Riley!

Braeden enters the field with a red colored ball that pawfectly compliments his black furs. It's immediately obvious that this is a guy with style! The female judges actually started to swoon as soon as he got onto the field! Butt he'll need more than good looks to get a good score. The bigger question is if he can control that ball. He gives it a toss, he expertly catches it. It never has a chance to slip away. Then in a totally unexpected move, he throws the ball into the air and as it falls he kicks it with his rear paw with ninja like moves. Wow, we haven't seen this at these games! The judges are impressed and it is reflected in a great score!

Seth is our third contestant in the rope-ball category. Like his brother, he has selected a ball that pawfectly compliments his furs. We're wondering if he purchased a new ball just for this competition. This is a risky move since it is unknown how a new ball will pawform. This isn't the time to take chances! He demonstrated masterful control of the ball as he rolls it pawfectly. He is totally flawless in his style and technique. Then he catches everybody by surprise as he uses the rope to swing the ball in a circular motion and passes it from paw to paw. This is quite a display of control and coordination that no one has done today. Well done Seth! The judges award him with a high score!

Sasha surprises everyone when she takes the field. We thought she would be so busy cooking for the Highland Games that she wouldn't have time to pawticipate in Arooo Ball! Once again the referees look to the judges to approve her choice of the football as an official event ball. The judges give their approval and Sasha starts her routine. We aren't sure what to expect because the very shape of the ball can easily cause a total loss of control. She gives the ball a spin, then balances the tip of the ball on her paw. Then in a surprise move she launches it down the field. Immediately the audience gasps with the assumption that the ball will fall to the ground and she'll be eliminated for loss of control. Then, demonstrating a super dog strength and speed, Sasha runs to the end of the field and intercepts her own throw! The crowd erupts and the judges award her accordingly. Excellent job Sasha!!

Our final contestants are the Doodle Brother team of Murphy and Stanley. They enter the field in pawfect marching sync. It's clear that these two brothers are very much in tune with one another. They toss the ball back and forth. This is risky because Stanley has a reputation for running off with the ball to keep it away from Murphy. Everyone is tense as they watch the two Doods pawform flawlessly. Then at the last minute, Stanley sprints off shouting "Catch me Brother". Murphy chases his brother and when he does indeed catch him the ball drops to the ground. The referee blows his whistle and shouts "DISQUALIFICATION DUE TO WILD BALL ON FIELD!" It was the only disqualification of the day.
As Arooo Ball concludes, the pipers return to the field for the closing anthem.
And then Kyla returns to the field.
Dear Kyla, your life has meaning and purpose. Every day has been well lived. You have loved, been loved, and are loved. Today we honor you and your contribution to this world. Although we are all on this earth for only a short while, may your light always shine!
Murphy, Stanley and all of Blogville