Sunday, December 16, 2018

Frankie & Ernie Update

Hello furiends!  We need to give you some information about our pals Frankie & Ernie!

We know everyone has missed them like crazy cuz they have been MIA for quite some time (even longer than us!).  The good news is that Frankie & Ernie themselves are doing great!

BUTT their dad's medical issues have continued (and gotten worse) for quite a while now.  So their mom has been caring for him plus doing ALL the chores and errands as well as taking care of all the medical stuffs.  Don't tell her they told us butt Frankie & Ernie said they think she might be going a bit squirrelly from all the stress!

You know this is a really bad time of year for these sorts of things.  Frankie & Ernie even had to be the ones to fix the furnace when it quit!  Their mom knows NOTHING about rebuilding, repairing and replacing furnaces!  When it stopped working she just threw up her hands and told Frankie that he and Ernie needed to handle this one! It's a good thing that all the years of blogging (and being mayor) taught Frankie how to Google!  And she didn't even get mad about the oily pawprints from them handling the job!

  Luckily Frankie has also been trained to deal with people on hospice care - even when it's his own dad.  And he's put the word out to Ernie so Ernie is following Frankie's example to help care for his dad too.  

In the meantime, their mom is trying to take care of everything butt you know it can be quite stressful and exhausting.  So Frankie & Ernie asked us to put the word out that their mom is thinking of everyone butt she just isn't able to answer emails or write out Christmas cards.  So when you don't get a Christmas card from them this year, it isn't because they aren't thinking of you - cuz they are! 

One last thing . . . Frankie & Ernie also report that having all this chaos going on in their home has really cut back on the number of  snowfreaks this year.  So that is good news.  In the meantime, keep them in your thoughts and prayers and they'll keep you in theirs.  After all, it's the Blogville way!

Murphy & Stanley


Duke said...

We think about them often and we will keep them in our thoughts and prayers. Thank you so much for the update!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Thank you for the update on Frankie and Ernie and their humans. We have been concerned. We will keep them all in our prayers.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Mom has been out of the loop too and had no idea that things got this bad. Tell Frankie and Ernie that we're saying lots and lots of prayers for their Dad and also sending along lots of POTP. We miss them all and send our love.

My Mind's Eye said...

Dear Doodz thank you so very much for this update on our Mayor Emeritus Frankie and Ernie our Attorney. I think of them and they Mom and Dad 87 times a day and I do so appreciate this update. Ernie I'm so proud of you making peace with the INTROOODERS and OMDs both you boys have turned into extra special Handy dandy Man dogs before long you'll have you very own DIY and Home Improvement show on the TEE VEEs

Dear Lana and Butch you are both in my prayers and thought of daily
Love and hugs all around

Millie and Walter said...

Thanks for the update on Frankie & Ernie and their pawrents. We think of them often and miss them but understand that life takes priority over Blogville. We're sorry to hear their dad isn't doing very well and have our paws crossed for him.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Thanks so much for the update Uncles! That Frankie and Ernie sure are wonderful pups to have taken on so much! We all have our paws crossed for them and their Mama and Dad! Mama says she and Daddy will be sending up prayers too

Thanks again!
Your Beautimous Niece Rosy

PeeEss - Arty says he will make sure to point peeps over here at the end of his post tomorrow!

The Army of Four said...

We were wondering how they were doing. We’ll send prayers up for their dad and mom!
Cam and Mags

Bentley said...

So glad to have this update. Often think about them. Well send prayers and love.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
OMD this is the best thing to read - although it be not the best of news. To have F&E contact us through you doodz makes Blogville feel whole again. We so miss them AND you. Please send back all the love and POTP that you can from us to them and I am sending extra special ethervibes of healing Love and Light for dad Butch. Huge kissies, hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We are so very sorry to hear their Dad isn't doing well. We are sending healing and comforting purrs, POTP and lots of LOVE to all of them.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Thanks for the update. We are happy to hear that Frankie and Ernie are doing well, but we are so sad that their Dad is facing medical issues and their Mom is having to work so hard. We too think of them often. We will keep them all in our thoughts and prayers. We sent them a card and had a nice note back. We send them more wishes for a nice Christmas and a turnaround in their lives for 2019.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber and Mom

M. K. Clinton said...

We think about Frankie and Ernie along with their peeps all of the time. Thank you for the update. We are sending lots of POTP nd love to them.

KB said...

Thanks for this update. I am sending POTP to all of them. I hope that they can find some peace in this Christmas season.

Matilda the Boxer said...

At least fewer snow freaks is good news! We're sorry things are going so hard for them. We'll cross our paws that things calm down for them real soon.


Milton and Mr. Stubbs said...

Sending prayers and hugs. I have been there 24 years ago. Good job boys to help out with everything!

Idaho PugRanch said...

Thank you for this update about our dear friends. We will be keeping them in our prayers
Hazel & Mabel

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Thank you Murphy and Stanley. We are also glad to hear from Mr Frankie and Ernie. We send huge love and special thoughts to their mum and dad and hope they know our love surrounds them all. No worries and LOVE, Stella and Carol xxxx

Charliedownunder said...

CrIkey .... Mum and I think of Frankie and Ernie all the time too so it was real good to hear that they are well but it’s also way too sad to hear about their Dad. Lots of love will be heading to all of their family from downunder and I hope their Christmas is as good as it can be. Fewer snow freaks sounds like a good idea but I bet F and E miss them even if it’s only a little bit. Thanks Doodz for letting us know!!!

LBJ said...

We understand and am glad we knew of what was going on early on. Abby is sad that Frankie can't be her guy any longer with all that is going on, but will keep that catering truck rolling, bachelorette style. In their memory.

Ruby said...

Oh noes! OMD, this is such sad news. I completely understand their absence, butts I am super glads that we have an update on the boyz and their peeps. I am super sad abouts their Pops. I knows they loves him lots, and their Moms is SUPER WOMAN! I do miss all of them, and thinks about them all the times. Tells them that the loves and laughter they put out into the world, is going to come back to them 10 fold! We all loves them bunches, and are thinking of them always! {{{hugs}}} and AireZens ♥

OH MY BOO! I hopes you;ve been hearing all my barks ~ we have a storm here, so your barks have been kinda muffled, butts I thinks I hear you (or, it's our nextdoor neighbor....she's a Husky, and her Arrrooooo's can sound like a muffled Doodle's bark..hehehee)

Your Fiance, the one with the FABulous furs, Ruby ♥♥

easyweimaraner said...

they are in our hearts and we think so often about the dachshund bro's and their furmily... we send hugs and prayers and we hope that a christmouse miracle happens and brings good things to them...

My GBGV Life said...

Thank you so much for the update. We have worried about them, and go to their blog now and then but nothing happens there. We are sorry to hear about the mom's stress, and their dad being so ill. They need to be with their parents, not on their blog, but we are thankful for your update to put some of our worries to rest.

Lovable Lily said...

We too are sending our love and prayers to them all.

Kim & Rolf

Matilda the Boxer said...

Thanks fur the update! Pigeon's told me all about Frankie and Ernie and the snow freaks. We sure hope that things improve for them soon.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Charlee: "We're sorry to hear about Frankie & Ernie's dad. I guess that's good news about the snow freaks, but not the rest of it."
Chaplin: "We send lots of purrs for him and their family!"

ZOOLATRY said...

Thank you so much for letting us all know about Frankie and Ernie and their family ... though it is sad news. Having "been there, done that" we know how hard it is and Lana will be in my daily prayers, as will her beloved gentle man. May God watch over them both with loving care.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Purrs and prayers to the Frankie and Ernie Dad from all of us here.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

thank you for letting us know. prayers going up for all the family

lexitheschnauzer said...

We are so sorry that The boys' dad is declining and their mom has gone squirrely, um, we mean is so stressed, which of course is natural in these circumstances, but still terrible. We will all send good thoughts and prayers their way. Thank you for letting everyone know.

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Thanks fur the update. We will pray Frankie n Ernies dad get well soon.

Tails Around the Ranch said...

Sending oodles of poodles of wellness thoughts their way and hope they can enjoy the howliday season. 🎄

FiveSibesMom said...

I have popped over from time to time and wondered and worried what might be going on. If you chat with them, please give them our love and that all healing thoughts and prayers to Frankie & Ernie's dad. We'll keep them on our "good health" wish list this year! Thanks so much for the update!

Marty the Manx said...

Thanks for the update and send them our luvs, POPT and strength.
Marty and the Gang

Mara said...

A lot of POTP from us here in Northern Ireland. It must be so hard for Frankie and Ernie to see their Dad ill.

Mara from NI

WFT Nobby said...

This is very sad news about Frankie and Ernie's dad. We send loving thoughts to all family, and wish them strength at this difficult time.
Thank you Doods for letting us know.
All the best, Gail and Bertie (just reunited after separate Christmas vacations, one of us in Mexico, the other not...)

Little Miss Titch said...

We know its a difficult time for them all so we are keeping them in our prayers and thought and of course we still send the ecards too just to let them know,xx Speedy