Monday, September 25, 2017

Fighting Crime & Suppressing Evil With SWAT!

Over the weekend we ran into a SWAT team. Of course, they knew about me and Stanley being in charge of law enforcement for Blogville. So they asked us to join their SWAT team and help out with water search and rescue cuz we are good swimmers.

♬♪ Whatcha gonna do when we come for you? ♫♪♩♬

Murphy & Stanley

Pee Ess - Did you see what was in the rose bush yesterday?  News is coming soon!

Friday, September 22, 2017

Blogville Picnic & Barn Dance

It's here - time for the Blogville Picnic!!  So get your picnic basket fixed up with the best treats and grab your boots for some good ol' boot scootin' boogie over at the Blogville Barn Dance!

Me and Stanley are meeting our wimmen there so come on over!

Click HERE!

Murphy & Stanley

Check out all the action by clicking on the Blog Hop!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Pirate Dogs

Yarr! Me and my brother be here to look for treasure!

Pirates Murphy & Stanley

Monday, September 18, 2017

Meeting Gail

This was the day we went to Point Defiance and met Bertie's Gail in the furs!  We got there early so we looked around.  It has beautiful gardens!

Then we went over to the Rose Gardens, our designated meeting point.  We got up high so we could look for Gail.

Then we walked around the corner and heard her calling to us!  There she was!! In the furs!  With her longtime pal Marse!

Gail & Marse have been friends for a long time.  They introduced us to Josh, Marse's dog who is taking care of Gail while she is away from Bertie.

We talked for a few minutes then Marse suggested we hike along the water.  Great idea we barked!  

Those hoomans talked, and talked, and talked!

They talked so much we walked 6 or 7 miles!

Finally, we made them all pose!

And then we offered to pose too. 

And after a few hours, it was time to go.  We said goodbye and hoped one day we would meet again!

We loved meeting Gail!  We were happy to have made new friends with Marse and Josh too!

Murphy & Stanley

Sunday, September 17, 2017

More Vacation

We're getting closer and closer to the day we met Bertie's Gail in the furs . . . butt before that we went to tour a fish hatchery!

The blue machines read microchips on the fish.  They also sort the fish here.

Of course no tour is complete without a pose from us!

We saw lots of fishes in the viewing window.  These are big fellas!

The salmon were coming back to spawn.  See that one jumping?

More jumping salmon.

We kinda got bored . . .

The next day we left the Columbia River Gorge and went to the Olympic Peninsula!  These are glaciers!

We made mom and dad pose with us.

Another day we went to a really cool little town on the bay.  Too bad mom doesn't remember the name of it.

Be sure to come back tomorrow when we tell you all about meeting Gail!!

Murphy & Stanley

Saturday, September 16, 2017

The Best Treat Ever Made

We interrupt our vacation posts to bring you our review of our latest snack from Chewy.

This month things worked a bit differently cuz we ordered the treat that we wanted to review directly from the website.  The new system worked fast and flawlessly!  And we made what just might turn out to be . . . 

the BEST choice ever made in the history of choices!

See this treat HERE!

OMD, we went crazy right off the bat.  Look at these delicious babies!

And they're HUGE!!!  Of course, if you have a mean mom it's easy to break off a skimpy little piece . . . 

 Stanley tried to jump up and grab that whole giant piece!

See, we told you they were GIANT!

Then mom said we had to have manners so we had to sit and WAIT!

We'd show you a picture of us gobbling it up as soon as she said "TAKE IT" but no camera in history is good enough to capture that kind of fast action!  We were on it (even Van Gogh)!

 Mom was laughing cuz even when it was gone me and Stanley kept sniffing and licking the carpet.  And we were so obsessed that mom is making us put up a special disclaimer that we have NEVER had to post before:

Special Disclaimer:  Make sure your pup is not clawing (possibly damaging) at the carpet to find crumbs cuz this stuff was a real hit and they want MORE!

Yeah, it was that good!  We give it 12 paws (we counted Van Gogh's too)!

See it on Chewy's website HERE.

Murphy & Stanley


Friday, September 15, 2017


Mom was very excited to hike part of the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT).  We think it was cuz Reese Witherspoon made a movie called "Wild" about it but she says not.

So we checked the signs and headed into the wilderness!

It was very lush!

Lots of smells!

Hmmm . . . 

Sometimes we waited for mom so she wouldn't get lost.  She was still whining about us trying to kill her the day before.

We got thirsty so dad had a water bowl for us.  Stanley always gets the first drink cuz he has a big head.

Then my turn.

Then we cooled off our paws!

There were lots of trees!

After we finished we went to the Gourmet Hot Dogs & Ice Cream store, located next door to the Post Office.  Through hikers pick up pre arranged supply packages at the post office then get ice cream.  We saw lots of them and mom talked to a few.  A few days later hikers had to be rescued from the PCT due to the wildfire!  Our adventure continues!

Murphy & Stanley