Saturday, January 28, 2017

Post Run

Me and Murphy went for our 6 mile run today.  Good thing we have 4 paw drive cuz there sure were some icy spots!  Now I can't talk more cuz I need a nap . . . 

Murphy & Stanley

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Endangered Species Challenge

If you haven't already, make sure you pop over to see Louis at the Blogville Arts & Entertainment Office.  Today is the Endangered Species Challenge.  Here is our entry, a picture with our pal Beans.  Beans is an orangutan.

Murphy & Stanley

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Saturday, January 21, 2017

More Snow

Guess what!?!?  We got more snow!  So now Dad gets to shovel our flight pathway over and over!

Me and Stanley like going in the deep stuff BUTT the snowballs stick to us so mom helps forces dad to shovel a pathway so we don't keep bringing all the snowballs in the house.  

And it is supposed to snow more all week long!  When we heard that news me and Stanley did a High 5 Paws Bump (butt mom said "*&%#$@*!")

Murphy & Stanley

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Who's Your Date?

We were already working hard on our K-oss event for Valentine's Day when it occurred to us we have not yet asked our girls!  Yikes!

From Murphy:  My Boo, my sweet fiance (and hawt) Ruby with the long fluffy furs, will you do me the honor of accompanying me to the K-oss Pawty?

From Stanley:  Jessie, my steady girlfriend with the huge brown eyes (and over protective brother), will you be the most beautiful girl on my paw for the K-oss Pawty?

Now this is impawtent:  If you are looking for a date leave a message in the comments section!

Murphy & Stanley

Monday, January 16, 2017

Monday Mischief

Invasion of the yogurt cups?

Murphy & Stanley

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Back Yard Fun

Our "flight path" is finally showing some grass (dad shovels it for year round fetching action). In the past week Stanley seems to have found his "fetching gene"! Unfortunately, he still tries to bury Wilson in the snow and he makes Wilson scream for help the whole time.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

More Valentine's Day K-oss Info

We have already received some photo entries to our upcoming K-oss event on Valentine's Day.  So we thought we'd give you some more information.

Everyone is welcome - singles and couples!

Mayor Arty & Vice Mayoress Mabel will host a Youth Room!

Oreo is hosting a Crazy Images Room!

Madi is giving dance lessons (twerking too)!

Abby is bringing her new Food Truck!

We will have a dance and conga line!

We will play games and lots more!

If you are looking for a date, leave a message in the comments!  

Our art Department has already started working on this event.  Here's a sneak preview . . . 

One of our games is Musical Chairs!

The Art Department has already got dance and conga line drafts too!

So send those photos (addy is on the badge above)!

Murphy & Stanley

Friday, January 13, 2017

Purrs For Jamison

Today we honor the life of Jamison who crossed the bridge on Monday.  We didn't know Jamison very well until after he started the fight for his life.  Then we followed him through the updates as he battled to regain his health.  It was a roller coaster ride of the worst kind.

Although we didn't know Jamison well, we are very well acquainted with what it feels like to have a fur baby who is sick or injured.  In this case it felt extra tragic. We also know the feelings associated with their loss. It is nothing less than heartbreaking.

Jamison was part of Blogville and as we often say, no one in Blogville grieves alone.  So today we honor his memory and the lives he touched. We cross our paws for his family who will grieve much longer for the loss of their little panther.  Be free Jamison and thanks for being a part of Blogville.

There is a GoFundMe page to offset the medical bills for Jamison HERE.

Murphy & Stanley

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Jumping Through Hoops!

For our review of Evanger's Dried Beef Liver we made a movie!  

If the movie doesn't work you can click on the link HERE.

You will see just how far we will go for this treat!

You can buy this or any other treat from Chewy.

Murphy & Stanley

#Chewy Influencer

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Impawtent Announcement!!

Get ready!  

Mark your calendars!  

Send in your FULL BODY, HIGH QUALITY photos (addy on badge)!

This will include dancing, food and fun. 

 Open to singles & couples.

You do NOT want to miss the chaos K-oss!

Help spread the word!

Murphy & Stanley

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Upcoming Info

We just wanted to help spread the word . . . 

Jamison from The Adventures of Noodle crossed the bridge Monday after battling for his life for several weeks.  Christmas is hosting Purrs for Jamison Day on Friday.  It will be a day to pay tribute to Jamison and honor his life.

To receive notifications of the pets and hoomans who need POTP, follow the POTP blog HERE.

To connect with bloggers from Blogville on Facebook click HERE and request admittance to the private group.  It's a great way to communicate with others in Blogville.  There is a pinned post at the top of the page where people can post which blog they are associated with (so we can recognize each other).

Stay in the loop and stay connected with your pals in Blogville!

Murphy & Stanley

Monday, January 9, 2017

Who's It For?

We received a package from Chewy the other day.  We thought it was the stuff we had on order so me and Stanley opened it.

We noticed it was odd right away.  This was NOT what we ordered!

OMD! Look what they sent!  Mom saw it and said it was NOT for us boys but for her and dad.  What???

I think she's lying . . . and then I fell asleep . . . 

Murphy & Stanley

Sunday, January 8, 2017

A Few Answers

We received some questions regarding our antlers and toys.  The antlers are a mixture of deer or elk.  We like the split antlers so the "marrow" is exposed.  They are VERY hard, like a bone.  Our pawrents actually call them bones (re: the dinosaur dig comment).  

Antlers last a VERY long time and we like to pick different ones for our chewing sessions.  Sometimes we trade them back and forth cuz it's always better with a brother's slobber on it.

Mom just stores our antlers in a basket so we can get them out as we desire.  That's how we spread them all over the house.  BUTT be careful cuz if your pawrents step on them it hurts their paws!  Mom just watches to make sure we don't get any sharp edges on our antlers and if we do dad grinds them off.

We hope everyone gets to try out an antler!

Now about  our toys . . . some of our most favorite toys have actually been around for some time. Van Gogh and Lamb Chop might be pretty old.  Some of you asked how we don't dead them.  It's funny cuz they are NOT real sturdy cuz many of them came from Kohl's (display by cash register) and are NOT actually made for dogs.  BUTT since they have no squeakers in them we aren't compelled to dead them (but we chew off ears and mom makes sure there aren't dangerous eyes).

Mom stores most of our toys in the "jail" downstairs and then one by one I (Murphy) drag them upstairs.  Here are the toys currently in jail:

These are the ones I've brought upstairs so far:

OK, we hope that answers some of your questions!  

Murphy & Stanley

Pee Ess - We are working on the details but just wanted to let you know we will be throwing a Valentine's Day pawty/dance next month.  It will be epic!

Saturday, January 7, 2017


Me and Stanley are always checking out the window.  Mom snapped this picture just before I heard Stanley's bark and ran outside to help him bark at nothing.

Murphy & Stanley

Friday, January 6, 2017

A Few Things

While mom was ignoring us on the computer, me and Stanley brought a few things into the office so we wouldn't be bored.  

Mom says we appreciate our toys.

Murphy & Stanley

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Put Your Antlers Away!

Mom says sometimes the living room looks like some sort of dinosaur dig.  We have no idea what she is talking about. 

Murphy & Stanley

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Decisions . . . Decisions . . .

Stanley and me love bananas and get 2 pieces (or more) every morning.  The other morning Dad peeled his banana, put it on the table, and then went into the other room. It drove Stanley crazy!

Murphy & Stanley

Monday, January 2, 2017

Inauguration and Farewell

We can't believe the time has passed so quickly! It seems like just yesterday that me and Stanley were soooo proud to be elected as your Mayorz!  We loved being your Mayorz of All Pawz!  We remember so many wonderful things!

Chewy sent us flowers butt mom wouldn't let us eat them!

The paparazzi went crazy!

The pawade to the inauguration and riding with all our furends!

Addressing Blogville as Mayorz for the furst time!

We remember making our acceptance speeches and setting up our new administration.

And then we moved into the newly renovated Mayorz office.

And then a year later we decided to serve a second term.  

We need a secretary!

Butt as you know, the rules strictly forbid ANYONE from serving more than 2 terms so it has come to the end for us.  So today we are honored to pawticipate in the Inauguration of our new mayor!

The Official Ceremony!

The swearing in of Mayor Arty will be done in our native tongue.


Stanley:  "Arty, please repeat after me:  As mayor of Blogville I promise to maintain the integrity of the office and represent Blogville as a fun and loving place to be. I will encourage others to do the same by my example.  I also will sniff the butt of any new residents unless they are sharp clawed kitties and then I will ask furst."

Arty:  "I will do that and sniff that."   ** Mabel swoons** 
Stanley:  "OK, close enough!  We need the key please."
Doods:   "We are honored to present you with the key to the City. Please pose for the press."

Join us at the official inauguration of Blogville's new Mayor Arty and Vice Mayor Mable!

Editor's Note:  It is immediately apparent that Mabel is going to set the mark for high fashion in Blogville!

Congrats Arty & Mabel! 

We know you will do a fangtastic job for the citizens of Blogville!

Murphy & Stanley
Mayorz Emeritus