Monday, September 26, 2016

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Lexi's Service

A memorial service was held for former mayoral candy date Lexi today.  It was live streamed but is now available on video.  Anyone who has ever loved and lost a pet will be touched by this service.  Even if you did not know Lexi there is a strong message of love for your pet in this service.  Find it HERE.

Murphy & Stanley & Mom

Friday, September 23, 2016


Yesterday we had a tornado!  It's a rare thing in this state and no one saw it coming.  The video is HERE.  Luckily it was about 10 miles from us and we had no damage.  No one was killed and there were no serious injuries.  

Me and Stanley took these cloud pictures yesterday.  This first one is from the back of our house as the storm rolled in (mom posted a live video on Facebook showing it if you are interested it is HERE, just scroll down a bit).

Then after the storm rolled through these were taken in the front yard.

Today is a VERY cool, wet day.  Happy Autumn!

Murphy & Stanley

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Hiking Tuesday

Today me and Stanley took our pawrents on a hike up Wheeler Creek.  It was hard cuz it got pretty hot!  It was about 4 miles long.

See the flutterby?

We were pooped when it was done!

Murphy & Stanley

Monday, September 19, 2016

Two Pictures

Ahoy maties! Me and my Seadog brother Stanley are joining Louis in talking like a pirate today!

After me and Stanley ran 6 miles on Friday (some scallywag was chasin' us)  mom snapped our picture.  You can tell I had another couple miles in me if that son of a biscuit eater was gonna try and get us to walk the plank!

Yo ho ho! Mom was going to take a picture of our old salty dad BUTT someone got in the way - photobomb!  Blimey he's good!

Shiver me timbers, it is supposed to be 90°F (32.2°C) today!  Mom hopes it is the last time for the season cuz we have had the HOTTEST and DRIEST summer on record!

Many more hot days like this and we'll all be ready to walk the plank!

Buccaneers Murphy & Stanley

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Twins, Flowers & Clouds

Mom saw me and Stanley napping and said, "Those boys do everything together!"

Of course we heard her talking and snapped awake!

I guess it must be true BOL!

Since yesterday was Flower Friday over at Dory's place, we thought we'd post a picture of a flower.  This is a sunflower mom planted after her beautiful flower (named Joy) died.  Joy was snapped off in a windstorm. This new one just barely opened yesterday.

We forget what these are called but they are growing like crazy!  Mom says they look very fallish.

And lastly, we thought we'd show you a picture of some clouds from Wednesday.  We don't often get clouds, especially this kind so we were excited.  It's supposed to rain later.

That's all we got for now!

Murphy & Stanley

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

A Crunchy Delight!

On Sunday me and Stanley were doing the usual . . .

Then we thought we heard something . . . BUTT it could have been a dream so at furst we weren't sure . . . 

Then we heard the word that got us on your paws FAST!

The next thing we see is mom opening up a brand new package of treats.  The minute she got it opened we could smell the deliciousness of it!

We didn't even see the Chewy dog deliver these!  We were pleasantly surprised!

So mom took 2 treats out and did the thing we dread . . .  the WAIT command!

Then 87 minutes later she FINALLY says the sweet words!

We gobbled it up right away!

If you are interested in these treats you can get them HERE.  If you want any other treats, you can get them HERE.

The thing we liked about these treats is that they are yummy.  Mom liked it cuz it came from a place inspected by the USDA and is made in the USA.  They are oven baked, very crunchy and help clean teeth.  They are grain free and easy on the digestive system.  We gave them a full 8 paws up!

Murphy & Stanley
