On Wednesday the mailman brought a package.
Stanley felt bad cuz he didn't get one too. I think he kinda felt left out. Then we opened the box . . .
Ruby is so thoughtful! She sent pressies for our birthday and Valentine's Day!
Not pictured cuz I ran off with it is a rabbit jerky stick. |
Ruby always includes her custom stickers. It is a secret that she puts kisses on them for me to retrieve!
My Ruby sure knows how to shop!
She sent us a birfday card with a handsome doggie on it.
Of course the kisses were just for me, not Stanley.
And she sent me a special Valentine's Day card. I loved it!
I had to check over Stanley's pressies to make sure Ruby didn't leave any kisses on them.
She also sent us a super cuddly blankie. It reminds me of her super cuddly furs.
Thank you so much my
Cherry Bomb Boo! I will bark you tonight under the stars!
Keep Calm & Bark On!
Murphy & Stanley