Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Plugging Along

We finally got mom to help us with a post.  She is soooo lazy! Anyway, this morning we had to hit the ground running.  We rolled out of bed (we slept in later with mom) and ran into the kitchen.  And this is what we found!

We got snow a couple days ago.  It also got really cold.  Of course, we loved it but mom is singing the blues.

Sometimes I wonder about dad but he says Stanley was taking advantage of him picking up something.

Yesterday Stanley got a hurted eye.  No one knows what happened. We think it makes him look tough!

Me and Wilson still have our training sessions.  It's nice to cool down in the snow between intervals.

We are getting lots of use from the new sofa/couch.

Stanley likes his hiding place when mom is on the computer.

I love my lamby that my fiance Ruby sent me.

In the meantime, we are plugging along waiting for the weather to warm up.  Mom says we might have to cancel our trip to the Grand Canyon if it doesn't warm up.  Our pawrents will decide next week. Mom and dad have been busy with hooman stuff.  Me and Stanley have to see the dogtur next week to get our annuals. 

Murphy & Stanley

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Postcards From Paris

We're celebrating Valentine's Day by jumping on the blog hop with Rosy & da Boyz - all the way from Paris!!

We flew First Class with Air France!  Nothing butt the best for our girls!!

We enjoyed the freedom of being away from our pawrents!  We're not telling all our secrets but we will show you the postcards we sent home.

Here are the postcards we sent to our pawrents!

The Front:

The Back:

The Front:

The Back:

 The Front:

The Back:

The Front:

The Back:

The Front:

The Back:

The Front:

The Back:

Finally, the ones we will NOT send to our pawrents!

Murphy & Stanley

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

More Pressies!

OMD, we posted that other post too soon!  Two big trucks came by and brought more pressies!

My true love Ruby sent another package.  I love my lamby & chicken!

Thank you Boo!

And another package came.  We thought it was from my Boo but now we don't know who sent it?!?!?

Yes, it's a new Berry Bomb to replace the one I accidentally ate!  Just what I needed!

There was no note with it!

I sure do feel loved!

Murphy & Stanley

Catching Up

We haven't been around Blogville too much lately and it is all our mom's fault!!  We want to visit all our friends to see what has been going on with them!  Mom keeps saying we will but then it's the end of the day and it hasn't happened.  What are we going to do about this?

Anyway, as many of you know, we turned 6 years old a week and a half ago.  Our pawrents bought us a new couch/bed, antlers, and some treats.  BUTT we never did get ice cream!  

Stanley's steady girlfriend Jessie sent him TWO packages of pressies!  It was the furst time we have ever had a peanutbutter stuffed hoof!  They were great and I thank Jessie for including one for me too!

Here we are checking out the package from Jessie.

Here is Stanley licking the peanutbutter from his hoof.

I'm getting serious with mine!

And she sent him a possum too.  We love that possum cuz he is real squeaky.  

Here I am resting on mom's lap.  

We went for a 6 mile run on Monday.

After our run, I came home and found a pressie from my true love and fiance Ruby!  She sure knows me well and really knows how to shop.  She completes me!  Of course, I went totally crazy over the new Wilsons.  For some reason my Wilsons have been getting lost lately.  Dad thinks maybe Stanley has been hiding them cuz I typically keep a close eye on them.

Anyway, that is what we have been up to.  Mom says she will try to drive us around Blogville so we can say hello to everyone.

Murphy & Stanley

Thursday, February 8, 2018

A New Treat

Yesterday was a great day!  And if you want to know why it was a great day, it's cuz the big truck brought us some treats from Chewy!

This month we tested the Yaky Churro treat.

We have never had this before!  Mom liked a few things about it.  She liked that it was made in the USA, has enzymes to help clean our teeth, and it's grain free!

Me and Stanley liked the fact they weren't tiny!

So mom said SIT and then she said (we hate this commend) WAIT.  Dog oh dog it was hard!

Finally, after 87 minutes, she said TAKE IT.

We were on it fast!  Stanley likes to eat in bed.

It isn't hard, it's chewier than mom expected.  But the truth is she didn't eat one so she is just guessing by watching us eat them.

It took me a couple minutes to eat mine.  I have manners.

Stanley made quick work of his.  He is always hoping for seconds.

We thought this was a great treat cuz it was delicious!  Me and Stanley give it 8 paws!

Murphy & Stanley

DISCLAIMER:  This treat was provided to us free of charge in exchange for our honest opinion.