Thursday, December 1, 2016

Blogville Takes Care Of Its Own!

This is an updated post.  See additional information at the bottom.

By now you have all heard of our friend Easy's passing.  As you can imagine, his family is devastated beyond words.  All of Blogville shares in their mourning.  Easy was well known and much loved by so many! Many of us wish there was "something" we could do.  Well there is something you can do.

Easy's insurance did not cover any of the costs to the ER dogtur who provided the service and ultimately operated on Easy.  So we want to take the financial loss part away from his family and reimburse them for his medical care.  It was bad enough to lose their beloved best friend!

 To Donate Money For Easy’s Medical Expenses:

PayPal – The fastest way is PayPal.  Because of the differing currencies we encourage you to use this method.  The money will go into an account (monitored by Idaho Pugs) and then transferred to Easy’s Family.  When you donate the money select the option “Sending Money To A Friend”.  Make sure you select that option! To use PayPal you need your own account (sets up quickly and easily).  Go to PayPal and send the money to pugranch2[AT]msn[DOT]com

We are trying to avoid setting up a GOFUNDME page because they take a larger part of the donation for their fee (5%+) and we want as much money as possible to go towards Easy’s medical expenses.  

There will also be an auction announced soon by Mollie & Alfie One Wing.

Thank you for making "LOVE" a verb!!

There is an auction happening over at Mollie & Alfie One Wing's place.  Click here to get there.  We thank everyone who has donated so far.  Even small amounts quickly add up to bigger amounts!!  We will post an accounting later today!


Matilda the Boxer said...

We just sent ours! Easy's pawrents shouldn't be worrying about money right now. :(

GOOSE said...

Sending our now. I just loved that Easy so much. I'm still in tears.
Buddy and my momma

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Great idea.

Sully said...

Today is truly a worthless Wednesday. My heart goes out to Easy's family.

Aroo to you,

Tails Around the Ranch said...

Great idea, guys! Thanks for thinking of it. Our thoughts and prayers (and now...some cash) can go to Easy's parents with our love. ღ

Robin + Christmas said...

I'll help out as soon as I can by donating!

Noodle4President said...

Sent ours!

Jans Funny Farm said...

What a wonderful thing to do for one of Blogville's own. We can't help financially but we send lots of good wishes for what we know will be a successful fundraiser.

Collie222 said...

That's very sweet, and very kind.

Ruby said...

Oh my Stud Muffin! This is such a good idea! Thank the Pug Ranch for me, okays?! I also put this on my bloggie ( I cut and pasted it...hopes you don't mind...☺) I kicked Ma outta the puter chair and sent mine! she even said it was okays! Lets me know abouts the auction...I got lots of stuffs I can put up! Okays, Ma's eyes keep leaking from thinkin' abouts it, and I gots a vettie appt. tomorrows (my FABulous furs and itchy and full of scabby things...nothin' I wants you to hopefully the vettie can fix me up so my furs are FABulous again ☺)
Your Fiance, the one with the kinda FAbulous furs, Ruby ♥

Brinley Westie said...

We sent a donation-- let us know how how the fundraiser goes...

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari om
...and this is why I refuse to pay ins prems on anything other than property. It stinks, but have yet to hear of any one truly benefitting other than the insurers themselves. Anyway, gripe over. Hoorah for Blogville!!! YAMxx

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What a wonderful idea!! We had our assistant take care of it and can't wait to hear more about the auction!!

Kinley Westie said...

Pawsome idea!

Anonymous said...

Thanks. Our donation is sent. RIP, buddy. Healing thoughts and wishes to Easy's family.

Love and licks,

Mollie said...

Copied yours and added auction bits to mine xx

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

We are going to get ourselves organized and help by the weekend.

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

We are going to get organized and send our help this weekend.

My Mind's Eye said...

We just saw this...and have added it to our post today and will link again several more times.
Thank you for thinking of this we had no idea about the ins.
Hugs madi and mom

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

This is BEAUTIFUL and WONDERFUL!! We have been experiencing financial hardship (bad) husband's check comes tomorrow and I am going to see if I can at least give $5 or $10.....will do my best. Every little bit adds up. xoxo DakotasDen

stellaroselong said...

We will be back here on Monday when mom gets off her 4 day shift, and contribute then. What a great idea. stella rose

Millie and Walter said...

We just made our mom send some money and will definitely be participating in the auction. It's maddening that they had insurance but it isn't covering the bills when it is most needed.

Linda said...

OMD we forgot our paypal password.
My mom made a new one so we are sending $ now.

XO Astro

WFT Nobby said...

I told Gail to send something and I believe she has obeyed.
Toodle pip!

Idaho PugRanch said...

Blogville at it's best!!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Anonymous said...

Nowhere but here could so many hearts come together to help out another. It's one of the BEST things about blogville - the family is so supportive in times of need. We miss Easy more than words can say................

Love, Sammy

M. K. Clinton said...

This is what makes Blogville such a huge family. We sent ours to the Idaho Pugs. Thanks for sharing this and it is super nice of the Pugs to handle the details. ♥

Duke said...

We were at paypal earlier today. Our hearts hurt for Easy's peeps.

Braeden and Seth said...

We sent ours to the Pugs a short while ago. We are so sad to lose another furiend. Sending love and hugs to Easy's staff.

Charliedownunder said...

Crikey ..... Blogville is the best, aye?? Of course we will do our bit to help out if Mum can work out how to do it. I'll snoopervise so I'm sure with our 2 brains we'll manage it.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We will try to help.