This month our special inclusion is: "It was so much better than I could ever have imagined!"
You can join us each month with our Fractured Fryday Hairy Tails. Just check under the FFHT tab on our blog for that month's inclusion and all instructions. Then post your story (or poem or whatever) on the last Friday of the month!
This month our story is a true story. It is the first date that me and my hot, sexy, sweet CHERRY BOMB Ruby ever went on. We didn't know each other very well until we had our double date with my handsome brother Stanley (also known as Monkey Buns) and his steady girlfriend (who escaped from the convent) Taffy. We planned a really fun date cuz I knew a girl like Ruby would need to have lots of fun!
One of the things I love about Ruby is that she is always up for trying out new fun things.
She isn't scared to try anything!
I knew Ruby didn't want to get her beautiful furs wet but I thought she might like to ride a jet ski. I liked how she put her paws around me to hang on (it was my plan).
Of course Ruby and I both love playing with balls so I wanted to show her I could share.
It was my plan that Ruby would have so much fun that she would fall in love with me!
I was sending her all kinds of messages that I thought she was great! I knew she was the kind of doggie that one day I could take home to mom!
So as the sun set I got all romantical and had a special picnic set up for us.
At the end of our date when I took Ruby home, she thanked me for a fun time then I leaned over and gave her a little kiss. And it was so much better than I could ever have imagined! That's when I knew I would love her forever!
Murphy & Stanley
Grab the Inlinkz code (below) and add (under the HTML tab) to your post (that will make all the other links show up on your post too). Then add your link (click on button below) to jump on the hop. Let's get this pawty started!
As you know our furend and former Mayoress Madi, lives in an area where they are not supposed to get snowy weather. BUTT they have had a bad storm and we received this information from Frankie & Ernie:
Hey Madi Called me about 40 mins. ago.... she has been W/O Power since 4 this AM.... she has 3 Pine Trees DOWN... but... So Far no damage.... she is Cold but Safe.... she asked that I put up a PSA telling folks that she is OK butt POWERLESS as are over 100 thousand her Area... she does NOT know when she will have it back... and won't be able to Blog until it Is...
We had to talk FAST because the ONLY phone she has is her Cell and she needs to save the Charge..
POTP for our furend and all those impacted by weather!
This is such a great post we just had to tell you. Jakey did an art lesson this morning using a free program. If you ever want to put your doggie/kitty into another photo, see how easily it is done by clicking HERE!
REMINDER: Tomorrow is Fractured Fryday Hairy Tails! (Link will open later this evening for our furends across the pond & Down Under.)
We hope everyone is keeping up on their training for the marathon. The deadline, CARVED IN STONE WITH NO EXPECTIONS is getting closer! Send in your photos by midnight on March 15th! (Email addy on poster.)
Here are the newest registrants!
FOR GUYS EYES ONLY: Remember to send us your photos for the Pharting Talent Show! The deadline is the same, March 15th! (Email is on the first race poster above.)
Tomorrow we're posting the newest registrants for the Mayorz Marathon. Make sure you don't wait until the last minute to register! Also, remember to send us your photos for the Pharting Talent Show. The deadlines for both is March 15th. You can send your photos to cecampbell[AT]msn[DOT]com. Finally, remember that this Friday is FFHT!
We were playing in the yard today and mom took a few photos. We are enjoying the weather cuz the weather peoples said winter was coming back due to a change in the jet stream.
This is from the magnolia tree in our back yard.
Mom said she captured my handsomeness.
See, I really can fetch with my eyes closed!
Sometimes the ball rolls down the hill but I don't mind.
Me and Stanley think that dental health is VERY impawtent! We have been getting our teeths brushed ever since we got our adult teeth (or at least most of them). We think we might have been around 6 or 7 months old. Nobody wants to kiss a doggie with rotten teeths and no doggie wants teeths that hurt! Here are our videos:
Murphy Brushing
Stanley Brushing
If you are not used to having your mom or dad brush your teeths, here are some tips:
Use a good tastingdoggie toothpaste. Never use a hooman toothpaste!
Even if it seems like it was a failure keep doing it every day. It will get better.
We tried many different tooth brushes. Some made specifically for doggies. We even tried an electric one made for doggies but it scared us to death. So we just use the Oral B brushes the dentist gives our mom. We use "soft".
Make it a pawsitive experience.
We hope this helps you take good care of your teeths!
In case anyone named Oreo forgot that we had some snow this winter, this was taken on January 2, 2015. Yup, I was peeing in the snow. BUTT we do feel sorry for our Midwestern furends who are suffering with extreme cold. Mom said you can come visit us (and we'll all catch a bus to visit our furends in California)!
Me and Stanley are just chillaxing today. BUTT we wanted to remind everybody of a few things:
Tuesday is "Brush Your Teeth Day"so post your photo/video/tips!
Friday is FFHT (it's an easy one too - see tab)
If you aren't following the POTPblog, please check it out. We have lots of furends who need our love and support!
OK, back to chillaxing . . .
Murphy & Stanley
Pee Ess - We received a number of comments on our photo editing post from assistants who might be interested in learning. Jakeyis going to be doing a class on Thursday using the free program Pizap ( He also has a page on his bloggy with tips. Mom uses Paint Shop (and still sometimes uses PicSay Pro on her cell phone). If anyone has Paint Shop mom will be happy to help you learn it! It is much more user friendly than Photo Shop and costs much less. It currently costs $63.99 (PC only) and is available with a 30-day free trial. Mom emailed the company to see if they were willing to sponsor a give away or offer a discount of the regular $79.99 price but has not heard anything so far.
NOTE: This post is NOT for wimmen's eyes. Fellas ONLY!!
OMD! OMD! Have you been over to Frankie & Ernie's place and heard about Boyz Night Out on March 23rd? We are so excited! No wimmen, just the fellas doing what fellas do when the wimmen aren't around to make us behave. And we're gonna host an event. It is the BESTEST event ever! We're hosting a Pharting Talent Show! Yup, we are!
So start gathering your photos and send 'em in to us at cecampbell [AT] msn [DOT] com. We heard that our dad is gonna get involved with this one too. He said something about "sound effects"! This is gonna be fun, fun, fun!
Oh, and make sure you DO NOT tell any of the wimmen of our plans!! If you post about it make sure you put up the special magic warning so they cannot read our stuffs. We heard they might try to crash our pawty!!
Wednesday we went for a little walkie. Of course every time mom sees a log she wants us to pose on it. We are so used to it that usually we just jump up on the log, smile and wait for a treat. But there was something that wasn't right this time.
Pee Ess - For anyone who has our email, it has been cancelled. Please update your records to the same email addy only use instead. Thanks!
Here's the reminders you need to give to your assistants. It might be best if you hang them on the fridge door.
Tuesday, February 24th is "Brush Your Teeth Day". Post a picture or video of YOU getting your teeths brushed (whether "successful" or not). Then tell us how it went and/or offer tips to others.
Friday, February 27th is FFHT (see tab on blog) and the inclusion is: "It was so much better than I could ever have imagined!".
The Mayorz Marathon dead line (that is firm and etched in concrete) is next month (the 15th) BUTT if you wait until then you will forget, so send your photos NOW! You know you want to see your cool confirmation photo with you wearing your official race bib!
All dogs and cats are eligible for the marathon!!
We can also still use some more Mile Marker hosts, some photo shopping experience helpful but we can teach you too.
Wow! We are still trying to recover from the Heart 2 Heart Valentine's Day Dance! We sure hope everybody had a great time. I know it will take us a lot of therapy time to get over seeing Madi twerk! Now today we are gonna rest a bit. But you need to think about signing up for the Marathon!! Yep, the deadline is FIRM and ETCHED IN STONE! So you will want to get your photos in sooner as opposed to later! All the info is on the tab on our blog! In the meantime, look at the photos mom took on Thursday:
Make sure you already checked out the Red Carpet,Puparazzi,Hotel Arrivals and Banquet posts! Everyone is having a smashing time and ready to get their groove on in the Ballroom. Who will be our stand-out dancers?
It seems that Madi was overheard telling Raz that she knew how to twerk! It's causing quite a stir!
The whole Ballroom is all abuzz about whether Madi will twerk or not!
Everyone has stopped dancing and all eyes are on Madi. Madi is a cat of her word after all . . .
Will she? Won't she? Can she??
The Ballroom has fallen silent as no one can believe their eyes!
This concludes our Mayorz Heart 2 Heart Valentine's Day Dance. We hope you all had a wonderful time! Make sure you check out all the other dance posts as well as all the other activities on the Blog Hop!
And, make sure you check out the smilebox (posts at 6:00 pm EST) of the activities!!