Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Rest of the Pawty!

[Our earlier post was the debut of Bad Dog Agency.  If you didn't see it, make sure you go back to the one before this one.  Now, for the rest of the evening . . .]

After the smashing success of the band's debut, everyone took off so they could pawty some more.  The crowd was treating everyone like they were celebrities or something.  The girls were following Murphy all over the place since he was the only available guy in the band.  Murphy intentionally went to the pawty stag cuz he wanted to dance with all the pretty girls!  Ernie and Stanley were giving Murphy a hard time and teasing him about having groupies.

Everyone always thought of Murphy as being sort of quiet but now they were seeing a different part of him!

Meanwhile, since the crowd had moved on, Stanley and Taffy made their way back to the grand piano.  Stanley didn't know it at the time but he found out that Taffy had a lovely singing voice and she could play the piano!!!  Stanley was very coy when he suggested they sing a duet of the song "Puppy Love".

It has been no secret that Stanley has been crazy about Taffy for awhile now.  But he had never told her how he felt because he could never think of the right words.  So he decided New Year's Eve was the right time to tell her with a song.  Stanley took a deep breath and with his rich voice began to sing the words made famous by Etta James: "At last, my love has come along.  My lonely days are over and life is like a song . . ."  As Stanley sang to Taffy, she was totally spellbound.  After their tender moment, they decided to go check out the dance floor where they slow danced to Louie Armstrong's "What A Wonderful World".

After a few more dances, they decided to take a break so they went back to their table.

Taffy and Stanley had both looked forward to being together for New Year's Eve.  The whole evening was magical.  Stanley was a pawfect gentledood in every way.

But Stanley knew the evening would have to end and they would be apart once more.  So he made sure they got official photos taken of the pawty (Sarge thought of EVERYTHING!) so they could remember this night forever.

And as the clock struck midnight, all heads turned to see the sky light up.

Happy New Year to all our furiends and friends. Be safe as you welcome the new year and we'll see you right back here in 2014!

Murphy & Stanley

Pee Ess - Please visit our POTP page as we have unfortunately added another of our furiends.

Debut of Bad Dawg Agency

New Year's Eve is finally here!  Sarge has thrown a wild pawty so be sure to check his blog for all the other happenings!! This is the highly anticipated debut of the newest and hottest band in Blogville . . . 
Bad Dawg Agency!

We're excited to play at the gazebo in the Blogville Park.  It's a record crowd too!  Everybody is here!!  We've been practicing like crazy in the Doodle Clubhouse and we've pawfected our sound.  So come on, let's rock this place like it's never rocked before!! Are you ready to pawty - Arooooooo!!!

We're playing a variety of top hits as well as some good ol' rock and roll!  You'll want to check out Ernie's and Roxy's blogs for some original tunes too (link at end of post).  Now how about some Elton . . .

 Murphy can sure get that keyboard smokin'! And Ernie's no stranger to the ivory keys either.  He plays keyboard while Murphy plays a request from the crowd - "Hot Legs"!

The crowd is going wild!  Ernie and Stanley decide they're going to take it over the top and surprise their ladies by dedicating their next song to them!  Get ready for some "Wild Thing"!!!!!

When we try to leave the stage, the crowd goes crazy and wants us to come back for more.  

Murphy takes to the grand piano and upon hearing those famous initial chords the crowd thinks he will be playing "Let It Be" by The Beatles.  But they quickly realize he's changed the words:

When I find myself in times of trouble
My potty training comes to me
Proper places for whiz-dom, go out to pee.
And in those hours of darkness
Mom is standing right in front of me
Speaking words of wisdom, go out to pee
Out to pee, out to pee
There's a place you will see,
Hear these words of wisdom, go out to pee

And when the house broke doggies
Living in the world agree
There will be an answer, out to pee
For though they may have farted
There is still a chance some pee will be.
There will be an answer, out to pee
Out to pee, out to pee
That means you, that means me,
Hear these words of wisdom, go out to pee
Out to pee, that's the key
Out to pee, take a wee
Hear these words of wisdom, go out to pee.

Out to pee, you will see
Ah let it be,  outside to pee
Hear these words of wisdom, when you wee.
And when the night is cloudy
Have mom shine a light so you can see
Shine on my spot now mom, gotta pee.
I wake up to the sound of music,
Mother takes me out to pee
Hear these words of wisdom, out to pee.

The crowd goes crazy when they hear the new lyrics and soon they are singing the refrain along with the band.  At the end of the song Murphy gives Ernie a break and moves over to the drums and makes the ground move with the pounding of the drums in Phil Collin's "In The Air Tonight".

The excitement is reaching a fever pitch when Stanley grabs his guitar and plays it just like Jimi Hendrix!

The debut of Bad Dawg Agency was a huge success!  But the band wasn't finished yet.  They wanted to close with a big bang!  

After the band leaves the stage, everyone goes off in a different direction.  Come back at noon (MST) to see where Murphy goes and where Stanley and Taffy go on their date.  If you haven't already, you'd better check out the blogs for Ernie (click HERE) and his steady girlfriend and our lead singer Roxy too (click HERE).

Happy New Year from Murphy & Stanley!!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

New Year Resolution

The other evening mom was on the floor doing her stretches.  When mom does this I know it is my cue to bring her my ball so we can play fetch.  Sometimes she tries to pretend that she doesn't see my ball.

So then dad said New Years was coming in less than a week and I needed to start working on my New Year Resolutions.  I was shocked, I thought being cute was enough!

Then it suddenly came to me, I know what my resolution will be!


Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Final Count . . .

We hope Santa Paws has already visited all our furiends who live far away.  We also hope he will come to our house tonight and remember that we have been very good this year!  Our Christmas wish is that all our furiends and friends are safe, warm, healthy, and in the company of someone who loves them.  Cuz as mom says, "it just doesn't get any better than that".  Oh, and we want to make it official . . .

Murphy, Stanley, and Pawrents

Sunday, December 22, 2013

You Are Invited!

Don't wait until the last minute cuz you don't want to miss out!

There's a ton of stuffs happening for the pawty.  To get details and deadlines click HERE!

See you there!

Murphy & Stanley

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Santa Paws Mystery Solved

For anyone who does NOT believe in Santa Paws or wonders how he delivers all those pressies to doggies all over, you have to watch this video.  It is so sweet!  Click HERE.




Friday, December 20, 2013

A Surprise Delivery!

Once again Dad came in the front door with a package.

If you don't know Taffy, go see her HERE (fellas remember that she is spoken for!!).

Manley Stanley

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Dog Church

Last Sunday was Bring-Your-Dog-To-Church Sunday.  Me and Stanley were excited because we got to go to church so close to Christmas!   Usually we are the first ones there (besides Goose's mom and the band) but our pawrents were running slow so there were already doggies and people there when we got there.  Stanley had to tell everyone Merry Christmas before the service began.  After the service, while the band was still playing, we took a couple photos to remember our Christmas season at church.

Murphy & Stanley