Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Yesterday we took our pawrents out for a 6 mile run.  Lately, the weather has been kinda warm but yesterday was a bit cooler so me and Stanley really enjoyed it!

Here we are just taking a little nap.

At our house we are very serious about our naps, especially on the days mom and dad get up early to do their long run.  Last Saturday our pawrents rode their bikes for 37.5 miles but they did not nap when they finally got home.

Sometimes we nap on the chair too.

Sometimes I nap on the couch.  Is it time to eat?

Stanley wanted his picture taken with Bear.

That's all we have for now.  Mom says she and dad are putting together our trip for next month.  She said something about the Redwoods.  The furst trip we ever took was when we were 6-month-old baby puppies and me and Stanley went to the Redwoods.  It was how we learned to ride in the truck for REALLY long drives.  Mom says we are easy travelers. 

Murphy & Stanley

Monday, May 28, 2018

Blogville Amusement Park Fun

I was just being bored when I heard my true love and fiance Ruby Airedale bark at me to get my furs over to pick her up for the Blogville Memorial Day festivities.  

We had a great time riding all the rides and then the delicious foodables at the BBQ!

I had to do some sweet talking to get Ruby on the Log Plume.  Everyone knows she does NOT like getting her furs wet!

And the Smooch Cup, oops, I mean Tea Cup ride was fun too.

That woman turns my whole world upside down!

Be sure to check out the other activities around the Blogville Amusement Park as well as the amazing music!!

Murphy & Stanley

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Stanley's Pawlitical Message

Stanley has found the pawfect way to offer an opinion on pawlitics.  When we went running on Monday he saw this sign, ran over and then peed on it.  Mom laughed and said she wished she knew he was gonna do that so she could have taken a picture.  So then Stanley pooped on it!  You can see the poops in the grass! And mom got a picture!

Mom sent the picture to this person's campaign manager (he is a friend) and suggested wearing gloves when they pick up this sign.  I was proud of my brother!  

Last night mom took this picture as evidence that me and Stanley hog up all the leg room on the bed.  We don't think it proves a thing and besides, you know how she is with photo editing!

Somebody said they did not know mom had another boring blog (not good like ours).  It is on the sidebar.  She doesn't update it too much and it is really boring!

Murphy & Stanley

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Silent Sunday

Hi ever'body! We were just kidding about the Silent part of our title BOL! I told mom we need to visit Blogville again and she said later today she is going to try to help us out.  Dang that no thumb thing!  Anyway, we thought we'd show you some pictures from our run last Monday.

I jumped up here cuz I saw a smack talking squirrel.  They're bad enough but when they start acting all big and tough I gotta chase 'em down!

Me and Stanley sniff lots during our runs.  We sniff so much that mom accused us of taking the fun out of her run!

How can she say such a think about the 2 most handsome Doods ever?

Happy mother's day to everyone who ever had a mother, knew a mother, was a mother, is a mother or can identify one in a lineup!

Murphy & Stanley