Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Exciting Announcement!

Does your mom or dad like to read??  If they do, they might be interested in this . . . 

Yup, we have officially opened the Blogville International Book Club!  It's on Facebook and you can get to it by clicking HERE!

It is a closed group but open to anyone associated with Blogville!

We will start in January.  The book is listed and right now you can buy it at Amazon or Barnes & Nobel for only $1.99!

It is an International Best Seller.  Mom says not to let the title scare you because it is very readable!

We hope to see you at book club!

Murphy & Stanley

Never Ending

Monday, November 27, 2017

Important Message & A Question

OMD! We were just at the Blogville Mayor's office and it is all decorated for Christmas!!  

BUTT we think Mabel may have done more of the decorating than the Mayor cuz it has that special woman's touch.  

Anyway, we also saw the notice of 2 GREAT upcoming events!


OMD, these are gonna be great events and you will NOT want to miss them!!!

Click HERE for all the deets!

And since we want to make sure our girls have plenty of time to buy their dresses for the New Year's Eve Bash we want to ask right now . . . 

Jessie & Ruby . . . 

Will you be our dates and share midnight kisses trip the light fangtastic with us on New Year's Eve??

Murphy & Stanley

Sunday, November 26, 2017


Today I was doing my fetching in the side yard.  Mom does that when I tucker out too easily running down the hill.  I like to catch Wilson and then circle around the burning bush.

This time I was waiting for dad to throw Wilson.  He was sitting on the bench.

Mom knows when I get tired cuz I hide in the freckle bush (labeled).

Wilson likes a new direction too.

We make a great team!

Here I am looping the Burning Bush

Stanley nabbed Wilson and tried to hide in the Freckle Bush.

He doesn't fit real good.

Oh, I need a break for a minute to catch my breath (mom has a typo BOL!).

Then I'm back at it!

Oh, maybe I need a longer break!

We think today is the last of our 60 degree weather days and it will now turn colder.  One ski resort had to close due to lack of snow (it melted) and the others haven't opened at all!

Murphy & Stanley 

Friday, November 24, 2017


We had a really nice Thanksgiving.  The weather was exceptionally warm!  Here is our action photo.  Granddaughter was concentrating on the selfie stick.  We'd say she did a great job!

Then me and Stanley took everyone for a walk.

We showed them the horses.

After the walkie we went home for pie.

Apparently, the answer was no - rats!  We hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving.  We are now locked and loaded and headed towards Christmas - full steam ahead!

Murphy & Stanley

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thanks Blogville

Today is a special day . . .  

We really are having pizza and pumpkin pie today so mom thought it was funny that even Blondie & Dagwood thought of it!

And that's not all!  Today we are giving thanks for Blogville!

We've lived in Blogville for over 5 years now.  We were born into Blogville so we never knew any other place - ever!

We are so thankful for the many, many, many friends we have made in Blogville.  That is the most impawtent thing, the friendships!

And we have even been able to meet some of our furends in the furs!  That has really been exciting for us!

And no matter what, we see time and time again how Blogville bands together whenever one of its own is in need.  Mom says that is very unusual in the non-virtual world!

We love Blogville and are thankful for every one of YOU!

Murphy & Stanley

Wednesday, November 22, 2017


Tomorrow is Thanksgiving here in the USA.  The grand hoomans and their parents are coming over and mom is "cooking" a delicious meal for us all.

Yup, we're having pizza and pumpkin pie!

Stanley & Murphy