Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Bad Timing

This is me, Stanley.  Yesterday a terrible thing happened.  Mom and dad came home from their long run and Dad put a bagel on the nightstand next to the bed and then got into the shower.  The terrible thing was that mom came out of the bathroom to get dressed just as I was introducing my tongue to the bagle.  Dang, foiled again!  

So I've been trying to make dad feel guilty and reminding him how loyal I am and that I REALLY deserved that pretzel bagel.  Here is what I do when dad is NOT in the truck.  I faithfully wait for him.

Doesn't a faithful dog deserve a pretzel bagel?

Stanley & Murphy

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Ready To Run

Yesterday we went on the 6 mile route for our run cuz our pawrents said we missed our run last week so we better only go 6 miles.  We were very excited!

Me and Stanley were so excited that dad said we were acting nutty,

Stanley likes to bark out the news that we are going on a run.

Sometimes we're ready before mom and dad say it's time to start.

Lately I've been staring into mom's eyes extra hard.

NOTE: Leashes were worn but photo edited out of the photos.

Murphy & Stanley

Friday, May 26, 2017

Flower Friday

Mom said she wanted us to post some flower pictures butt there weren't any flowers.  Me and Stanley shouted, "Open your eyes woman!"

Our snowball bush is GIANT!
Some Creeping Jenny
We have various ground covers all over the hill!
Stanley loves to stand in bushes so we are surprised they live.
Another bush whose name we forget.

Bet you recognize this one!
Usually there are only 2 peonies.  Looks like this is a jackpot year!
OK, technically these aren't in our yard but they were huge poppies!

Thanks for stopping by to see our blooms!

Murphy & Stanley

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Thursday in Spring

Me and Stanley are just enjoying some nice weather.  Mom thinks our cold weather might finally be behind us.  I have noticed I get hot faster when I'm running with Wilson.

We like chillaxing in the shade.  Stanley was on shift this morning while I relaxed.

OK, I'm ready to fetch again. Who's gonna throw Wilson?

Murphy & Stanley

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Yard Work

Now that our company has left us mom says me and Stanley need to get back to our regular chores.  Today we did yard work.

I, Murphy, checked to see if the squirrel we saw 3 years ago came back to his hiding spot.  He didn't.

Stanley checked to see if any rabbits were around.  They never have been and that is still the case.

Stanley checked the dampness of the lawn to see if the watering schedule needs adjusted.  It doesn't.

I checked to see if, despite dad putting 87 gallons of poison on the lawn, those ants are still alive.  They are.

That was a lot of yard work.  We'll need a nap now!

Murphy & Stanley

Tuesday, May 23, 2017


As you know, me and Stanley have had company at our house.  So of course that means we were the ones who had to train them!  

First we taught the lady that a dog must always be attached to her hip.

Then I had to teach them how to throw the ball.

And Stanley had to teach the man how to give him really good scratches.

And of course there was also proper etiquette while going places in the truck.

Eventually they moved from the beginning levels to the intermediate levels which included constant petting and lap work.

And of course we had to teach them how to pose on a log.  The lady messed up cuz she remained standing.  So much training to do that we were exhausted!

Murphy & Stanley

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Friday, May 12, 2017

Still Busy!

Mom continues to be crazy busy.  She said June will be relaxing cuz May has lots of action.  (Dad is making plans for us to go in the Wheelie House in June.)  BUTT you know we always make time to go running.  Today me and Stanley did the 6 mile route (leashes were edited out).

When we got home mom had us model our Army Uniforms that came in the mail yesterday.  She had to make some adjustments on the sewing machine cuz in order to fit our highly muscled chests the neck size didn't adjust small enough.

This is a top view.

For some reason Stanley's had words on it and mine didn't.  Maybe cuz of the size difference.

Anyway, in addition to everything mom is trying to do around the house, there are also choir pawformances from the grands, a birthday, a DARE graduation today for the boy grand and a piano recital tomorrow for the girl grand.  After that, Dad's family he hasn't seen in a long time is coming over and we will have foodables.  And on Tuesday mom's cousin and her husband will be coming to stay with us for a week and a half.  They can't wait to pet us so we are already watching for them!

We will come around whenever we can!

Murphy & Stanley

Thursday, May 11, 2017


Stanley's Message to Murphy:  "Brother, Enough is enough!!"

Fetch-a-holic Murphy & Starving Stanley

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Shout Out!

If you haven't already stopped over to Louis's place, check out the latest challenge from our Blogville A&E Director!

This is the May challenge:

Stories we Love

In this challenge we share stories we love.

What you Do:

1. Choose a story you love. The only criteria fur a story is that it must include an animal, bird, fish, reptile or other non-human living being. The non-human need not be the main character.

2. Your story can be a poem, book, folk tale, movie, song or anything else that could be considered to be a story. It could be a story you have made up or one that you heard around a campfire. The wide-open choice is yours.

3. Write some words about the story and why you like it.

4. Include two photos: one of yourself and one that somehow relates too the story you have chosen.

The photo depicting the story can be the book cover, film poster, a picture of something like what is in the story, an author, or anything else that relates. Please send photos in jpeg format. Louis has troubles with anything else.

5. Include the URL to your blog site as well as the name of your blog so Louis can link your submission to your site.

6. Send your entries to Louis at louisbloggingdog(at)gmail(dot)com.

7. Dead Lion fur entries is May 20, 2017. They will be published on the Blogville Arts and Entertainment website on May 25th.

Everybuddy who enters will receive a cool badge.

If you like, feel free to use this picture:

Murphy & Stanley, barking out for Louis!

Thursday, May 4, 2017


We're letting mom write today:

The project is finished!    The fence will support tomatoes.  Melons and cucumbers are growing upwards too.

This section is accessible from the front.  The front fence is only 14" high.  Since the garden is elevated 24" and on a steep slope, it should be enough to keep the Doods out.

Grow baby grow!

Probably the best view.  You can see where Bob created a level surface for me when I am working from the front.

The upper garden is accessible from the sides.  The fencing opens there.

Street sign is a fun touch.

Other side view.  Bob is going to put a flat step for me to stand on when accessing the upper plot.

Everything is planted except 2 squares (basil & melon).  I will do that tomorrow cuz I have to buy plants.

I am very happy with my little farm and wanted to share it with everyone!  We probably won't be around too much this month.  We have a lot going on -  including relatives coming from out-of-state to stay with us.  So we'll catch you all when we can or else see you in June!

Murphy & Stanley & Mom

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The Project Continues

We are doing so much snoopervising that it is exhausting!

To be continued . . . 

Murphy & Stanley