Saturday, May 28, 2016

It Started!

OMD! It started! Our pawrents started getting the little wheelie house ready for our BIG adventure!  First thing I noticed was that there was still food in our dish from our March trip.  It aged pawfectly so I munched down!

Stanley claimed his spot on the couch.  And we found the doggie beds that we haven't seen in months! We are so excited!

Murphy & Stanley

Friday, May 27, 2016

What The Dog?

When we heard mom and dad place a big order from CHEWY, we had no idea this was what it was!  Mom says we will take it with us when we go in the little wheelie house to the B.A.R.!

Murphy & Stanley

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Counting The Days

Wow, can you believe we are only 16 days from the furst (and only) B*A*R*?  We are so excited we can barely think about anything else!  Mom has her master list of stuffs we are going to be taking with us and there's plenty of chatter back and forth with the others on the organizing committee.  Dad says he's ready to hitch up the little wheelie house and hit the road!

Remember that while we are gone, our esteemed pal Easy will be the official Mayor pro tem.  That's fancy talk to mean he will be in charge of everything in Blogville.  Yup, he will be running the show!

  He is experienced enough that we know he will make the right decisions and he has our full confidence and authority.  We selected him specifically cuz we wanted to give him the opportunity to shine!  Really, what can go wrong?

So because we are suffering from a lack of imagination right now we are gonna share with you 2 photos.  These were taken yesterday by our pawrents.  See if you can find the mama killdeer birdie with her 3 babies.  They blend in really well!  If you can't find them (and you will have to bigify it) go to the next photo for the arrows pointing to them.

Did you find them? Do you give up?







Finally, we are kinda concerned about our pal Bilbo.  He isn't feeling too good so make sure you stop over and see him.

Murphy & Stanley

Friday, May 20, 2016


When we went on our walkie we told you mom made us pose a bunch of times.  Here are a few . . .

Mom says it's our fault cuz we are so handsome.  She's probably right.

Murphy & Stanley

Pee Ess - Don't forget Monday is:

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Niagara On The Walk

Over the weekend we went to a place that we discovered last fall.  You might remember it cuz there were bison there.  Anyway, we wanted to check it out in the spring so we went back.

It was a nice walkie BUTT it started getting pretty warm fur me and Stanley in our fur coats.

We walked for about 87 miles, maybe more.

See that snow on the ground?  It is really cotton from trees.

Finally we came upon the bison and guess what?  He remembered us!  Yes, he invited us to have a drink from his pond but mom would not allow it.  And we were REALLY thirsty too!

Every now and again mom would stop and make us pose on a tree, or a rock, or anything horizontal.

 Finally we came to the bridge.  We couldn't get down to the water but at least it was shady.

In case you can't see us, here we were.

When we walked across the bridge we saw mom.  We were wondering where she went cuz she was gone for about a minute  million hours!

You might remember this old shed mom took a picture of last time only now it's all green around it.

Yup, we walked right past it.

Here's another picture in case you couldn't see Stanley.

We were REALLY suffering and nearly dragging on our knees cuz we were so thirsty!  Then we went up a hill and guess what we found?  Yup, it was Niagara Falls!  Mom says not really BUTT we think it was!

And me and Stanley know how to cool off in water . . .

Ahhhh , , , 

Murphy & Stanley

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


A few evenings ago me and Stanley looked out the window and saw a beautiful sunset.

We do have really nice sunsets in the Rocky Mountains!  Something about all the dust in the air that refracts the light.  

Anyway, we wanted to tell you about something else we got and it was REALLY cool!  

We got a package in the mail with the Idaho Pug's "flat photo" for the B*A*R*!  

And we got a photo of Angel Greta for the Remembrance Ceremony too!  

Check out the post over at the B*A*R* blog to see some other ones!

They also sent a prize package to give away at the B*A*R* but you will have to wait to see it.

Murphy & Stanley

Pee Ess - Mom said it was very meaningful for us to receive these photos to take to the B*A*R* cuz we have met Angel Greta and her pawrents in the furs.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Parkway Stroll

A few days ago we took a little walkie along the river parkway.  The river (our rivers are not giant) was full!

There is a little side area where we like to cool off our paws.

That way we can walk longer.

Murphy & Stanley

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Selfie Sunday

Mom says we are going to start taking more family selfies.  Otherwise we won't have any photos of us all together!

Murphy & Stanley

Saturday, May 14, 2016


Yes, it is true!  We have snowballs!

The weather has been REALLY nice for a couple days and the sky so blue!

With it so warm sometimes I need to sneak away so Wilson can cool off.

This is the pawfect place where we can catch our breath.  Well, Wilson might not have breath and that could be why he turned orange.

Don't tell anyone about our secret hideaway!

Rats! We've been found out!

Don't forget. . . 

Murphy & Stanley

Friday, May 13, 2016

Lovin' Us Some 'Gator!

OMD, the Chewy dog (we call him Chuck) came to our house again!  He always brings the bestest treats!

When we saw what he brought we got waaaay excited!  We have never had 'gator & catfish!  We were so glad mom requested the Blue Wilderness Grain Free Bayou Biscuits with alligator & catfish!  We wondered if our pals Bentley & Pierre eat this every day cuz they live in the Bayou!  Well, not in it but at it, or maybe by it.  Anyway, we bet they eat gators for breakfast!

Mom was telling us blah . . . blah . . . blah . . .  We didn't totally listen.  All we heard was 'gator!

Apparently what she said was:

Delicious real alligator, catfish and shrimp
100% grain-free and gluten-free
Crunchy baked biscuits
Made with the finest natural ingredients
No artificial preservatives, colors or flavors
No corn, wheat, soy or chicken/poultry by-product meals

So mom took 2 treats . . . they were good sized . . .

Then she told us to "Sit" and she put them in front of us . . . we could smell that delicious 'gator! And then we heard the WORST words ever!  She told us "WAIT!"  Nooooooooo!

Finally, after 87 hours . . .

It was heavenly!  We loved that 'gator and catfish!  Maybe after our mayoral term is over we could do some 'gator wrestling?  

We give this treat 8 paws and a wag! You can find it HERE!

Murphy & Stanley

We were not paid to endorse this treat but were provided it free of charge in exchange for our honest opinions.
